University of Copenhagen trapped in parallel processing, supersymmetry physics war with University of Wisconsin , DANE county, Madison ---> Something is rotten in the State of Denmark
« COPD elementary physics messages to the Niels Bohr Institute. Atomic mass . . . . . . . . mass communications signal = COPD = COP + D = Copenhagen DenmarkDenmark and the modern Tycho Brahe astronomy WAR casualties. Supersymmetry physics and parallel processing describes the Denmark parallax murder process in the parallel DANE county region of Wisconsin. »

The silent Dane intellectual battle list --> introduction

Permalink 11/23/13 19:27, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized

Year 2011 provides us with a new view of the European algebraic subsets of the EARTH government with Nature's intellect. Humans and their social structures live on the surface of EARTH Lab .....within the atomic/astrophysics continuum. For practical purposes we have:

atomic level <-- human intermediate --> Solar System level

Together, these various conceptual entities give us a practical view of our daily lives within the continuum. Economic activities, political science, crime, etc can be understood as subset activities within the CONTINUUM frame of reference. Russell and Whitehead outlined this process in year 1910 with their explanation of sets/subsets and classes. Thus Principia Mathematica provided a symbolic architecture for Nature's intellect ...and 100 years later...the math social engineering analysis reports are becoming available.




The reports forthcoming in my various BLOG articles were predicted by Isaac Asimov in " The Foundation" series with mathematician Hari Sheldon. Think of symbolic proper noun --> Hari Sheldon.



Something is rotten in the State of Denmark
Something is rotten in the State of Denmark
SCENE IV. The platform shakespeare

The Tragedy of Hamlet,
Prince of Denmark. Shakespeare

Shakespeare's The story is "Hamlet."
Act I, Scene 4: Marcellus (an officer) says " Something is rotten in the state of Denmark," having just seen the ghost of ...

The ghost of Denmark = Dane County, Madison, Wisconsin, USA with the University of Wisconsin


Something is rotten in the State of Denmark

Something is rotten in the State of  Wisconsin and State Street, Madison crime problems
 .....thus we have parallel processing/ supersymmetry physics for  EARTH LAB message processing events


A view of State Street from Library Mall. Fall, 2007.

State Street (Madison) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
State Street is a pedestrian mall located in downtown Madison, Wisconsin, United States, near the Wisconsin State Capitol. The road proper extends from the ...

Halloween on State Street

Something is rotten in the State of Dane County



Halloween on State Street

Hallow     on State Street

Hollow  skull ... empty symbols

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Herb Zinser's analysis of University of Copenhagen and the Niel's Bohr Institute as silent participants in the SCIENCE WARS. Margaret Mead atomic anthropology and the Tycho Brahe astronomy extension from year 1600 to Galileo year 1616 allows one to access the EARTH LAB atomic/astrophysics continuum ...... in which our daily lives are embedded. The SETI Institute algebra theory of sets and subsets enables one to understand the symbolic universe of secret alien ideas, the subliminal mind bio-computer processors of Copenhagen, and the Niels = Ni + els = Nitrogen element bio-physics life FORMATS existent via the professorial LU = Logical Unit = LUNG.


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