Today's mass protests threaten to disrupt and even delay talks at the Copenhagen climate summit. Photo: AFP
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RD-Blog-701 by Herb Zinser
The DR.NO project of the periodic atomic government table involves the
DR.NO elements = Nitrogen + Oxygen.
The atomic element 7 Nitrogen 14 plays an important role in the LUNG thought processing abilitities in humans.
In Margaret Mead nuclear family research ..... that is atomic social anthropology and atomic brain thoughts ...... various groups are of specfic interest.
For example, to study Fer= Ferrous oxide atoms in humanoid HEME group Fe(ii) ion format .... one would study the specimens at Fer= FermiLAB, Batavia, Illinois. Their published research articles indirectly provide data on iron Hemoglobin protein thoughts ... that is the 26 protons of iron and their 26 proton atomic English alphabet ... words of irony.
To study CAM = Computer Aided Man ...one would study the humans at the University of Cambridge and the skulls of the Cambodia purges ..... the parallel to the British INTELLECTUAL WAR. .
To study the human life FORMAT of the algebra logarithm mantissa .... the University of Manchester .... Alan Turing LAB Building .... provides biology specimens ..... that is
biology = bio log y = bio-math logarithms y. They are trying to decide if this could be TRUE.
How is this?
The human is composed of atoms and math equations.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.
Therefore atoms and math equations are the origin of thought.
Thus mass communications (television, radio, print, books, etc.) is really atomic mass .... mass communications. Also, political protests,etc. by humans.....are really atomic protests of the Margaret Mead atomic families VIA the human vehicle/the human atomic feelings expressor/the human atomic messenger.
Thus we look to see if the atomic/astrophysics communications continuum has any messages waiting for a feedback repsonse.
An example is televison show, DEEP Space NINE and its symbolic signals.
Odo --> Oddone
Ferengi --> fermiLAB engineering
Bajor --> Batavia Major orbitals
Thus, the Hollywood script writers of Deep Space Nine ... gain access to the Maragret Maed nuclear family ..... atomic anthropology continuum ..... and using that atomic data base ... write output messages --> Ferengi to Fermilab engineering .... do you hear/see the signal?
Apparently they have not .... since no one has heard the appropriate feedback signal.
Let's consider the atomic words:
Nitrogen electron s-oribital .... abbreviated as
Ni.......el......s ....such as the Nitrogen breathed by
Ni + el + s --> Niels Bohr LUNGS during his physical lifetime.
Now, his symbolic life is carried on by the Niels Bohr Institute;
but they have the Heirarchy Problem of physics .... they think they have evolved to the top of the academic status level ..... hence, they and their friends are INTELLECTUALLY superior to Nature. However, Nature disagrees. Hence, they have an intellectual problem ... a conflict with their LUNG nitrogen s-orbitals ..... the nitrogen s-orbitals have detected language/thought ERRORS in the Copenhagen symbolic output. Thus the LUNG atoms filter/analyze the intellectual content of the output mouth gases that carry words ..... and also moniter the myoglobin arm muscle writings of words. Thus Europeans and the Niels Bohr Institute do NOT represent the Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology family. The the shooting battle over the LIE of Liege, Belgium. The LUNG = LU + NG = Logical Unit Nitrogen Gas data processor ...very advanced ...beyond the comphrension of scientists that believe in arrogance over NATURE's intellect. Humble humans have no such problems understanding NATURE's messages.
Thus .... let's consider an atomic mass communications SIGNAL sent to them by NATURE via some intermediate human agents in the pharmaceutical and advertising industry.
The SIGNAL --> COPD = COP + D = Copenhagen, Denmark.
Why do we suspect Copenhagen has a secret?
First, lets look at some background sysmbolic messages.
Lets take algebra subset Co of Copenhagen and
algebra sebset symbols De of Denmark. The algebraic union of these 2 subsets =
Co + De = Code.
Now, Denmark .... being near the BALTIC Sea .....
that is BAL Tic/Tac/Toe -->
BAL = Basic Assembler Language +
TOE = Theory of Everything.
Thus we have a secret COPMPUTER EARTH puzzle of Copenhagen ....
Copenhagen = C + open + hagen --> implies open data set of something ???? what Pandora's box ???
they aint't talking.
Then we have Europe,norway --> Eur + ope + n --> open .....another data set ???
The bio-computer parallel system using human brain processing circuits
Since Norway, Denmark, Britain won't communicate about such curious matters ...we wonder.
The secret .... human bio-computer system they have built .... using the 37,000 student brain processors .......... in parallel .... a mirror ...to the IBM system 370 OS/JCL SNA VTAM copper wire system ..... that was originated by the Solar System 9 data bit planets ...and now is Nature's Computer Earth system 370 version...... Nature's system with BAL geography processing BALTIC region .... and the base 16 Hex "fa" = 250 farm data fields.
Thus given the IBM system 370 copper wire model ..... we understand how the other variations work. However, we wonder about the intentions and motives of the European bio-computer conspiracy which involves the 370,000 Danish brain processors and the OSLO government humanoid version of OS/JCL ..... in their supersymmetry bio-physics computer plot.
The concern is related to the Base 16 April 16 hexadecimal shooting battle at Virginia TECH at EARTH geography coordinates37 Latitude. Another blog explains that Base 16 metabolism war. We have the Computer Earth system 370 organic processor ...especially the one located at Virginia TECH human body temperature (Nature's Celsius 37 temperatue scales of justice) ... Virginia TECH metabolism coordinates:
Location Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
Coordinates 37‹ N 80‹25Œ23W
Date April 16, 2007
Thus we have the BLACK-body radiation bio-physics message ...that is ignored by all universities; who appear to have lost their credibility as accurate thinking institutions ... since they lack curosity about such possibile important signals. However, the universities would make good HOllywood movies ..... acting as wise men. Perhaps, Nature is testing them.... a challenge to some professors .... to communicate ... to ask questions ... to ponder!
Additional graphic arts clues sent to COPD undercover secret agents that breath nitrogen and oxygen. Remember, the Nitrogen LUNG agents are at Niels Bohr Institute; while the Oxygen LUNG agents are at Oxford University, England. Both groups deny any relationship to the periodic atomic table of existential life. The method of denial is to ignore the existence of the Margaret Mead nuclear family ..... atomic anthropology tragedies at UTOEYA and Liege.
The above graphic arts symbolic life word: elephant.
What is the atomic English language equation of word:
elephant --> ele + ph + ant
--> elementary physics anthropology
Above we have the words
--> COPD IS NO ......small thing --> atomic message -->
--> Copenhagen Denmark + ISland Norway .......
this being UTOEYA (also spelled Utoya), Oslo, Norway with
UTOEYA --> UTOE --> Unified Theory of Eveything organic chemistry molecular battle in year 2011...... with symbols CH = Carbon Hydrogen SCIENCE WAR ...... transformed to physical dimensions in the CH organic format of human CHILDREN. But, the symbolism and other variables of this puzzle are too complicated and too trival .... to bother the intellectuals of EUROPE.
LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?
The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:
"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."
Thus we see the trial of one guinea-pig...Anders Behring Breivik ....... a trial for the amusement of lazy European intellectuals .... who refuse to explain the deeper levels of the Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciouness .... tragic message. Thus we have .... Lewis Carroll ..with strings ..... STRING theory physics for those who live in EuROPE. Thus we see the Darwinian symbolic evolution of string theory ...... to year 2011 atomic human puppet string theater.
Thus given the theory of Europe bio-computer tricks and the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology conflicts ..... we consider addtional message CLUES ...... to help the intellectuals think outside of the box.
What is an obstructive pu? Human bio-computers?
Pu = Processing Unit as in
CPU --> Central Processing Unit system 370 or version
CPU --> Copenhagen Processing Unit
The LUNG --> LU + NG --> Logical Unit Nitrogen Gases
VA can help --> V-A intercation physics by Enrico Fermi and others --> applied physics to the Margaret Mead nuclear family
Hale astronomy intellectuals ...... to help the few Tyco Brahe thinkers .... that may see the big questions .... that are being raised.
" The WORLD is a stage and we are the players "
The question becomes...... what group / what mechanism is the director?
Anyone curious enough to help explore this concept?
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
E-Mail: Herb@Zinoproject.com
Website: www.zinoproject.com
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