Part 2 ---> The Computer Earth system 370 SYMBOL MACHINE war with European human brain computers

Category: b2evolution

The Europe electromagnetic battle of televison waves / optical waves results in Belgian tragedy. Citizen communications system ERRORS creates the Liege EVENT ---> Signal processing ROC of DeBroglie wavelength

Permalink 11/23/13 00:22, by Herbzinser1, Categories: b2evolution
Rd-blog-621 European citizens, universities, and governments have carefully avoided discussion of the worldwide SCIENCE WARS. Tragic events are reported in newspapers ..... as to the surface veneer of the event (date, time, shooter, victims, location,… more »

Europe battle reports - introduction

Permalink 11/23/13 14:50, by Herbzinser1, Categories: b2evolution
Year 2012 provides us with a new view of the European algebraic subsets of the EARTH government with Nature's intellect. Humans and their social structures live on the surface of EARTH Lab .....within the atomic/astrophysics continuum… more »

Solar System data processing with Computer Earth system 370 Europe geography map. Components of the Europe Computer Science WAR. The deletion of the Norway IMS biolological data base CHILD records.

Permalink 11/23/13 15:02, by Herbzinser1, Categories: b2evolution
RD-blog-620 The Solar System has 9 planets...equivalent to 8 data bits and 1 parity error correction bit. Thus the original data processing structure of the Solar System and its subsequent evolution to Planet now, viewed as Computer Earth… more »

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