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The Inverse Universe
Physicists have written about this using various descriptions such as:
--> Parallel processing universes (events on EARTH)
--> Mirrors and tricks
--> Alternate universes (economics or political science)
--> Alternative methods, routes, or philosophy
Conceptually the INVERSE Universe is similar. Thus the INVERSE Universe runs like a parallel to the traditional UNIVERSE as perceived by most --> and is an active part of our everyday lives and decisions.
An example of
the TIME mirror or INVERSE would be the
24 hour clock --> 24 mirror 42 --> and this is the existence of TIMES SQUARE, 42nd Street.
Manhattan astrophysics (with 1942 time agent Hawking = a face of time) surface area of real time.
TIME SQUARED equation --> T exponent 2 ==> 42nd Street = Base 4 exponent 2 = Base 16 hexadecimal TIME. This fits with the astronomy model/theory of the GALILEO galactic computer system project that started in YEAR 1616.
Above ....... the super-symmetry physics ..... earthly space/time signaling identifiers ....
8 Av --> atomic number 8 for Oxygen life forms born in Ox = oxygen regions ... such as Ox = Oxford, England.
8 Av --> Stephen Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 to Frank and Isobel Hawking
12 --> carbon 12 organic chemsitry life form that uses the carbon 12 hour clock
37 --> humanoid ar bio-computer thermodynamics operating tempertaure of 37 degrees Celsius
graphic of wheel chair --->
Stephen Hawking CH CBE | |
![]() Hawking at NASA, 1980s |
Born | Stephen William Hawking 8 January 1942 Oxford, England |
42 nd street --> maps to time address 1942 of time agent 42 ---> Base 4 exponemt = Base 16 HEX TIME
Stephen William Hawking ( CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA (born 8 January 1942) is an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author and Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology within the University of Cambridge.
He is a vocal supporter of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.
An example of an EVENT mirror or INVERSE involves the BRITISH military battles on behalf of GALILEO the DEFENDER (of PLANET EARTH from the alien brain invasion ..between year 1610 and year 1616)(see the Galileo Blog titles for more details of the secret 400 year astronomy intellectual war).
1982 Base 16 Hex'FA' Regular Universe --> FAlkland Islands
2009 Base 16 Hex'AF' INVERSE Battle --> AFghanistan
The year 1982 + 27 years = 2009 gives us access to the DR.WHO
3-dimensional information TIME CUBE. 3 cubed = 27 years. The British astronomy David H. Clark book 'The Quest for SS433', British astrophysics theorists . . . along with the British military engagements .. provide us with a good data outline of world structure.
A recently discovered communications system mirror or INVERSE in the world of ETHER physics (year 1895 to today) involves atomic physics CSMA/CD protocol (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection).
ETHERNET - copper computer communications CSMA/CD
NETETHER - biological computer communications system of social, political science life formats in the European geography country NET.ETHER region --> which is the Netherlands and surrounding countries. Brussels diplomats and the Hague world court use a guman bio-computer social version of CSMA/CD protocol.
Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection - Wikipedia ...
CSMA/CD: a physical layer protocol for dealing with network collisions
ETHERNET - copper computer communications CSMA/CD
NETETHER - biological computer communications system of social, political science life formats in the European geography country NET.ETHER region --> which is the Netherlands and surrounding countries. Brussels diplomats and the Hague world court use a social version of CSMA/CD protocol.
Thus the countries in the geography ETHER region have the geography LOCALITY (local)anesthesic effct upon their symbolic brain --> the EARTH region...providing a brain challenge to lazy intellectuals....so they may overcome their self-symbolic ETHER. Know thy-self says the thyroid GLAND of en.GLAND.
Europe thinkers have other brain puzzles ....but the lazy desire intellectual confusion.
The true story of Anastasia.(Princess Anastasia of Russia) .....translated by NATURE really states:
The TRUE story of using symbol langauges .. word commands to the brain bio-computer ... brain SYMBOL MACHINE processor
A.nasty tas=task
A.nesthetize a university students brain...the modern LEWIS Carroll humanoid guinea-pig.
See LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?
-->then the warning message of 1961 (Bay of Pigs, Cuba)--> BRAIN war message to year 2010.
The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:
"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with strings: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."
Guess what ...between year 1865 and year 2010.....there is a 90% probababity your brain has been mostly captured. The primary symptom of a human guinea-pig ....is denial of the situation and denial of the possiblity. George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, and and a few others escaped the intellectual jail.....and their symbolic books sent us serious messages.
When I was a student, I needed CLIFF NOTES to decode and explain...their hidden messages.
The brain intellectual jail cell of NATURE uses molecular cell biology....using the iron HEME group Fe(ii) ion ....thus the symbolic iron bars that can easily imprison the MIND of
a university professorial group for atomic social science policy ERRORS.
What is the atomic brain professor?
Professor components --> Pro + fe + ssor equation ==>
Pro = 26 proton English alphabet letters of
fe = 26 protons of ferrous oxide iron atom ......the IRON CLAD con.fessor/pro.fessor of atomic brain proton social engineering thoughts.
Thus the periodic atomic table governemnt has huamnoid agent expressors.
And book 1984 ...that was over 26 year ago. Anyone under 40 or 50 years of age..is in hypnotic state of bliss. It takes careful intellectual effort over months to solve simple puzzles like:
Why was Virginia TECH University shooting on APRIL 16 ? It's a BASE 16 HEX/curse data processing WAR message...message ignored by university computer science graduate students.
Why does Virginia TECH univerity English department teach:
English teacher writes: Twenty-four hours equals a 24 hour day
Herb Zinser math class: 20 minus 4 = 16 hours per day
Thus the April 16, 2007 Y2K biological clock mess/ message processing SIGNAL for humans with a year 2000 model brain computer..that is missing the Y 2K data stream of consciousness subroutine. Please help spread the word ..about the serious messages described under various BLOGs /Websites with keywords:
Herb Zinser's Project Plan Z
Herb Zinser's Science Wars
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