Category: Announcements
Princess Diana and the EARTH LAB: Quantum tunnel
From the view of EARTH LAB social engineering experiments with human structures; the death of Princess Diana can viewed as a QUANTUM Tunnel bio-physics experimental ERROR and a subsequent Margaret Mead nuclear family anthropology message. T… more »
British Science Wars - introduction
British Science Wars and modern military perspectives
Lewis Carroll in year 1865 provided clues to the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION experimental area known as EARTH LAB.
Who Stole the Tarts? | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Le… more »
The Inverse Universe
Physicists have written about this using various descriptions such as: --> Parallel processing universes (events on EARTH) --> Mirrors and tricks --> Alternate universes (economics or political science) --> Alternative methods,… more »
The Symbolic Origin of the Universe
Before solids, gravity, and electromagnetc waves existed; before the BIG BANG --> we assume an axiom (Schopenhauer) --> that a symbolic universe of thought, will, and ideas existed and wished to express itself in a new media --> th… more »
The secret British biochemistry English Language evolution of the blood symbolic life of William Shakespeare VIA his plas.MID signal recognition --> A .. Mid. Summer.. Nights Dream
RD-Blog-122 DNA and its evolution of self-awareness
First, we must have the philosophical perspective as expressed around year 1600 by the atomic English language department of William Shakespeare,
..................... "The WORLD is a stage and we a… more »