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FALK iron gear insurance study
The periodic atomic table expression of ferrous oxide IRON atom.
The atomic social science life of ferrous oxide.
The Falk iron gear factory, Milwaukee, Wisconsin natural gas data pipeline explosion on Wednesday Dec 6.2006… more »
The periodic atomic table government military alliance comprised of the iron atom AND the North Pole magnetic field. The terrestrial magnetism political science Hierarchy Problem. WAR casualties of FermiLAb and world Federal governments.
Modern EARTH and the iron and magnetic field war reports on Heme Group Fe(ii) ion ERROR social structures.
The 11-dimensions of string theory help explain modern existence with iron, magnetic fields and gravity field life. Have you been stringed alon… more »
The IRON LADY - Margaret Thatcher
PRIME MINISTER Margaret Thatcher - the IRON LADY
THe IRON MAN project and the IRON LADY project are expressions of Margaret Mead nuclear family ferrous oxide atomic anthropology projects. When she was project leader, Margaret Th… more »