Military expression events and signals

Earth government completes the gravitational lensing system with its Computer EARTH system 370 OS/JCL features

Permalink 12/18/13 12:57, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized

After you read the post below, visit    
Information WAR site maps for access to several hundred  POSTS that help explain the Unified Theory of Everything (UTOE) .... which includes you, your friends, the region that you live within,  etc.   The Grand Unified Theory (GUT)  500 year project of Nature's systems from year 1453 / year 1500 makes this possible.



The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (EARTH Lab) has recently completed its huge gravitational lensing system that can track many EVENTS that occur on the surface of the EARTH...within the gravity field that humans exist within. Using Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory...the gravity field now a gravity data field.

The same is true for many other physics fields.....they have been converted to data application process of Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD Theory.
This includes the North pole magnetic data field......magnetic flow lines that are equivalent to an IBM device UNIT = magnetic TAPE.






That is the true story behind the Nixon TAPE's .....with NIXON symbolic of an N x N math matrix of data on Nature's parallel processing TAPE.



The EARTH government gravitational lensing system has used the THEORY, working models, and the empirical data provided by EARTH subset humanoid groups such as:
- Hubble telescope project
- Virgo Consortium
- Caltech and the gravitational labs consortium project on KECK
- concept of Lorentz symmetry
- supersymmetry physics EARTH LAB applications

Thus we have brief outline of the human endeavors from which NATURE's intellect is thankful.
The experimental template...experimental models, engineering structures and their symbolic representations helped NATURE's design team build the huge EARTH gravity telescope at astrophysics galactic address gravity LOCATION:


Solar System, Plan of Planet Earth,
USA, Wisconsin, Hubble(ton),
County Road G = universal gravitational constant
and Highway 19




The telescope uses the weight/atomic mass of EARTH to influence the parallel/ supersymmetry/mirror properties of gravity waves. Gravity waves and magnetic field waves meet at the EARTH's central iron core...the high density of mass in this central region has all kinds of
artificial intelligence features ....the evolution of EARTH LAB cybernetics with Norbert Wiener.

As we know, the atomic English language uses the 26 alphabet letters of the 26 protons of ferrous oxide of the IRON core of the EARTH. Someday, perhaps some geology/geography students may be curious about such trivia the EARTH communications systems of MOTHER NATURE.
The communications LINK between the Earth iron core and the human Heme group Fe(ii) iron cortex is very important; but things like accurate communications with NATURE are not important. Apparently, no one cares. Is anyone out there? Who wants to be the 2nd person on Planet Earth that thinks about such serious thought relationships.


Scientists have provided the EARTH data .......
-->Search Results
What is the circumference of the earth? The circumference of the earth at the equator is 24901.55 miles (40075.16 kilometers). But, if you measure the earth ...
--> The truth about Earth's core? May 12, 2003 ... Earth's inner core is solid iron, its outer core is liquid iron mixed with other components, and its mantle is dense rock

The Composition of the Earth's Core How do scientists know what is in the core of the earth?




... Adding all this up, we find the core is predominantly Iron metal (Fe). ...

--> Magnetic Field of the Earth The Earth's magnetic field is similar to that of a bar magnet tilted 11 degrees (giving  university sku11 diploma degrees) from the spin axis of the Earth. The problem with that picture is that the ...




Earth's magnetic field - Earth's magnetic field (and the surface magnetic field) is approximately a magnetic dipole, with the magnetic field South pole near the Earth's geographic ...

Importance - Magnetic poles and magnetic dipole - Field characteristics

--> NOTE: magnetic dipole humanoid agents are dipole diplomats at the Polish Embassies and consulates on EARTH LAB cities like the Washington,D.C. dipole Polish Embassy and the Chicago magnetic poles community. These magnetic bio-physics POLES live around the molecular anthropology Polish THOUGHT convergence research center at the SHELL station at Milwaukee Avenue and Belmont. This is in the organic textbook symbolic city of CH = Carbon Hydrogen life formats and their social chemistry expressions in the city of CH = CH.icago.

The North Pole magnetic field intellectual LIFE FORMAT interacts with Polish humanoids and their iron hemoglobin proteins. Hence the protein symbolic message as physically expressed by the Europe Polish iron ship yards and the protein expressors named the
SOLIDARITY movement --> a protein social science anthropology movement on EARTH LAB.

The magnetic DATA FIELD government of COMPUTER EARTH uses the Darwinian selection process to select magnetic dipole physics diplomats at Polish physics consulates. Chicago Polish heritage scientists have yet to acquire self-awareness about these matters. Apparently they don't care about the TRUE NATURE of their relationship with MOTHER EARTH. Are there exceptions who are curious?

--> NOTE about Milwaukee policeman for the NORTH (agent NORBERG) and Milwaukee lawyers and the elaborate iron Hemoglobin thought experiment they are involved in (see the BLOG: Magnetic field and Brian Norberg).

The Earth's magnetic field is similar to that of a bar magnet tilted 11 degrees from the spin axis of the Earth. The problem with that picture .........

Keywords of above sentences:
Bar magnetic titled 11 degrees ==> Biology thought SIGNAL

Bar --> American Bar Association
11 degrees --> brain sku11 with number 11

thus we have magnetic field lawyers   in magnetic field social laws

SIGNAL: Human lawyers ought recognize the magnetic field effect on behaviour and thoughts outlined in the HIGH Magnetic Field message about the Norberg shooting.
--> Gravity of Earth - Wikipedia, Earth's gravitational force is often modeled as though the Earth were an inert sphere of uniform density. Such a body would produce a field of uniform ...Variation in gravity and ... - Estimating g from the law of ..




The gravity of Earth, denoted g, refers to the acceleration that the Earth imparts to objects on or near its surface. In SI units this acceleration is measured in metres per second per second

--> The precise strength of the Earth's gravity varies depending on location. The nominal "average" value at the Earth's surface, known as standard gravity is, by definition, 9.80665 m/s2 (32.1740 ft/s2)

The acceleration of gravity acts as a carrier for COMPUTER EARTH and Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory --> application of gravity acceleration 32 to a COBOL computer language word 32...also this LINKS to the Base 16 oxygen hexadecimal atomic computer of weight 16.

In molecule format, oxygen COBOL molecule language word 32 and its relationship to accleration 32 ties into oxygen molecule weight 32...and its molecular computer.

Obviously as a geology professor breathes in OXYGEN molecules into his LU = Logical unit = LUNG the input Oxygen molecule 32 accelerates thru his their INPUT data entry phase into his bio-physics data INPUT device ....the NOSE....whose computer science history is well-known:
- The NOSE of Nostradumas
- The NOSE of Pinocchio - Wikipedia Pinocchio is known for having a short nose that becomes longer when he is under stress (chapter 3), especially while telling a lie. His clothes are made
- The NOSE of DR.NO and James BOND social chemistry movies
- The NOSE of NOBEL scientists who are curious and nosey (a good nosey attitude about "HOW things work" versus the people gossip ,nosey nonsense). Thus they.... scientists.... as young men/women had a choice on how their NOSE pointer ought apply its nosey character ....and NOBEL scientists choose the objective, accurate data NOSE attitude career path. As Nobel scientists might say...keep your NOSE clean...stick to the facts...math equations, chemistry LAB research, and verify all data for its significance.

A possible reason we have NOSE colds and the flu that the average person has non-scientific data .....inaccurate (noise data becomes)..nosey data...thus his symbolic brain converts the trivial nosey noise data ...Hollywood style data .. into a physical warning signal....COLD or FLU illness.

Thus modern Drawinian selection of a person's symbolic NOSE. What kind of NOSE symbol are your thoughts? This is why police photography MUG shots emphasize the NOSE...a critical frame of reference in modern intellectual circles. Thus the professor has LUNG NOSE relationship with oxygen, nitrogen and other elements.
As mentioned earlier, the professor bio-computer input device is the NOSE.....with oxygen molecule input weight 32 = cortex Cobol computer langauge word 32. The input goes to the LU = Logical Unit = LUNG.

Then inside the LUNG processor..the geology professor takes the oxgen molecule = O2 (molecular weight 32) and concatenates a Carbon atom 12 with its atomic time clock of 12 hours.



Then the geology professor LUNG goes into its OUTPUT phase as the Carbon dioxide information molecule (atomic weight 44....thus World War 2 ...gas chambers year 1944 messages) accelerates thru his OUTPUT device......the NOSE.

Thus the professorial NOSE has a bidirectional data flow...biology computer science. The output of CO2 considered like
IBM CODE level 2 --> Carbon dioxide weight 44
IBM CODE level 1 --> the copper wire technology

Nature's intellectual project was based on the NOSE symbolic evolution.
NOSE = NO + SE = NOBEL Science....thus many professors ought appreciate the existence of oxygen atomic base 16...but as of YEAR 2011 ...but, such recognization does not exist for Nature's intellectual NOSE projects. Ox --> Oxygen life at Oxford University has their NOSE up in the air....with their intellectual elitism error regarding the modern Margaret Mead atomic anthropology war.

Thus the healthy algebraic subset of word: NOISE is a curious scientific NOSE.
A wise healthy algebra subset of NONSENSE is an intelligent NOSE pointer.....probably pointing at the cellulose pages of a basic college calculus book or basic college organic chemistry textbook.
Thus by removing symbolic optical NOISE/NONSENSE (such as some television trivia) and mouth audio NOISE/NONSENSE the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain computer can remove the obstacles to a curious, healthy NOSE --> NO + SE --> gives a NO.bel SciencE exploration attitude which is needed amongst the general population....the average citizen needs more NOBEL thoughts...more accurate and profound self-awareness of his/her SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature's intellect (see John Locke, David Hume, etc.)
Returning to gravity projects ...additional clues provided by Nature's design team of forces and elements .....

Solar System research area --> Sun Praire Wisconsin

Data field Theory --> Field Marshall --> Marshall, Wisconsin

UW Biochemistry, Madsion  war zone --> Battle of Water100, Wisconsin with
under cover agents Nelson, Cox and others




Computer EARTH port -->Portland, Wisconsin

Port Land --> Landau geo-physics quarry --> Micheals's Quantum array
Quartz Wisconsin Quartz ... 1963). quartz is abundant at the Micheals Materials quarry 1.5 miles east of Portland, where it occurs ...

EARTH LAB version of secret special astronomy projects
Hubble extension with Hubble(ton) --> tons of Earth mass

Keck extension --> Keck observatory (Furniture STARS)
Main Street USA (BOOK title) at Watertown Wisconsin

Universe of Cambridge, Wisconsin parallel to
University of Cambridge astrophysics

and more data exists....but the gravitational lenses helps understand the GRAVITY WAR and the gravity murder of Jake Gerard in Milwuakee, Wisconsin.

And then we have the EARTH magnetic field battle in Milwaukee and the shooting of NORTH Pole magnetic field INTERACTION agent ......Hemoglobin iron protein structure known as policeman Byran Norberg. The Milwaukee Police have been given incomplete information by the Milwaukee area universities...universities could care less about such STREET shooting matters. Are there some graduate students that might care to set the record straight.

WHO wants to help publish a book explaining things help the Milwaukee detectives understand how they have been set-up ......and how others....the Wisconsin National guard and the Pentagon have been given incomplete explanations about world affairs. These incomplete and biased analysis are by hypnotized university educated thinkers.....whose BRAIN symbolic computer has some CORTEX computer programming problems. Welcome to BRAVE NEW WORLD with Aldous Huxley.

The University of Milwaukee has no interest in gravity interaction with the brain mass...such down-to-earth practical matters don't concern the other BRAIN life forms at the heads, party heads, movie heads, restuarant experts, cell telephone heads, RADIO HEAD music heads, TALKING HEADS, etc.........all Nature's signals of various symbolic ERROR mutations inside the SKU11.

In fact, its hard to find serious GESTALT thinkers that are concerned about the SCIENCE WAR casualties in Milwaukee. But is easy to find restaurants, bars, and talkers.....who need to do some serious abstract homework.

Galileo the DEFENDER of Planet Earth

Permalink 12/18/13 11:54, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized
The status of the 400 year war to recapture control of EARTH.




Year 1616 is a milestone in astronomy. The evolution of space/time life components resulted in Base 16 hexadecimal SPACE and Base 16 hexadecimal TIME.

Year 1616 --> BASE 16 space and BASE 16 time.


The astronomy/ astrophysics galactic computer systems project started in year 1610.

In year 1616 the galactic computer system project was titled: GALILEO the DEFENDER (of  EARTH) in honor of his position as an intellectual general in the MILKY WAY galactic WAR. The astronomy war that began around year 1610 continues to this day in year 2009. The 400 year GALILEO ASTRONOMY WAR is a well-kept secret. Now astronomy intellectual warriors are needed. Amateur astronomy individuals, astrophysics students, and science professors are needed to provide the new leadership and vigor to complete this project.



The GALILEO the DEFENDER project has a project convergence completion date computed using YEAR 1616 --> 16 x 16 = YEAR 256. Hexadecimal year 256 is the link to the Hawking/ Gibbons astrophysics parallel processing EVENT HORIZON year 256 --> the exponent TIME WORLD year 2008 --> Base 2 exponent 008 = Year 256 at Cambridge --> which is a CAD/ CAM bridge to the galactic computer system 370.



CAD = Computer Aided Design at Cambridge, England and Cambridge, Massachusetts. The CAMbridge Y 2 K ERROR is known as the K ERROR (K ERR in Hawking/Gibbons astrophysics terminology suggests the KERR metric looking for a Y 2K solution). Specifically the CAMbridge communications bridge needs to handle a 2K data stream to the GALILEO computer system 370 Base 16 HEX SPACE and Base 16 HEX TIME --> the EVENT HORIZON data processing region. Theorists interested in seeking the astrophysics local region (PLANET EARTH) KERR solution to the EARTH problem will find the empirical data and the preliminary GALILEO model useful.

The universities have ignored the Y2K standard protocols since YEAR 2000; consequently KERR errors and other errors have occured. Astronomy and astrophysics graduate students and professors have an opportunity to help me explain to the world this galactic phenomena; how it affects EARTH and our personnal future.

As one philosphically reflects upon the 400 year astronomy war, one must think of the project title: GALILEO the DEFENDER. Then one must ask the questions:
1) Defender of what --> what situation or circumstance?
2) Defender implies that there was an invasion of some type.
3) Since Galileo was engaged in SOLAR SYSTEM research, then perhaps he detected the type/format of the invaders . . . and he was then told to be quiet and kept under house arrest.
4) If an invasion took place, what format were the invaders.

The invadors would not be a directly visible physical biological entity. Hence,alternative format/types such as: EM = Electromagnetc life forms that would enter via the eye and take over the optical nerve, brain optical computer system --> and thus eventually control thoughts (hence possible incomplete or alien thoughts). Thus a physically normal looking 2-legged person would have these EM life forms implanted in their social behavior brain optical circuits.




A second method could be gravitational life forms that interact with the atomic mass in the biological brain. The gravitational life would eventually take over the brain's social perceptions. The amount of data from 50 years of television shows provide many clues to this modifying process of brain perceptions.




The Cambridge universe GHOST-->Gravity HOST processor systems with number 6. 6 .....

the  gravity  HIGHWAY secret    of
gravity expression agents  GH = Gibbons & Hawking





Below,  Nature's EARTH LAB   gravity  parameter of Nm is displayed  VIA  geography GRAVITY STATE of  Nm = Isaac Newton .... New  gravity  news .... New Mexico.











The authors of books like 1984,BRAVE NEW WORLD, and FUTURE SHOCK have raised their suspicions. Hence, GALILEO the DEFENDER of EARTH becomes a very possible situation; a link between social science and astrophysics that university professors ought clarify in year 2010.

The Inverse Universe

Permalink 12/17/13 22:35, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


Physicists have written about this using various descriptions such as:
--> Parallel processing universes (events on EARTH)
--> Mirrors and tricks
--> Alternate universes (economics or political science)
--> Alternative methods, routes, or philosophy
Conceptually the INVERSE Universe is similar. Thus the INVERSE Universe runs like a parallel to the traditional UNIVERSE as perceived by most --> and is an active part of our everyday lives and decisions.

An example of
the TIME mirror or INVERSE would be the
24 hour clock --> 24 mirror 42 --> and this is the existence of TIMES SQUARE, 42nd Street.

Manhattan astrophysics (with 1942 time agent Hawking = a face of time) surface area of real time.



TIME SQUARED equation --> T exponent 2 ==> 42nd Street = Base 4 exponent 2 = Base 16 hexadecimal TIME. This fits with the astronomy model/theory of the GALILEO galactic computer system project that started in YEAR 1616.



Above .......   the super-symmetry  physics ..... earthly space/time signaling identifiers ....


8 Av --> atomic number 8 for Oxygen life forms born in Ox = oxygen regions ... such as Ox = Oxford, England.

8 Av --> Stephen Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 to Frank and Isobel Hawking


12 --> carbon 12 organic chemsitry life form that uses the carbon 12 hour clock

37 --> humanoid ar bio-computer thermodynamics operating tempertaure of 37 degrees Celsius

graphic of  wheel chair  --->

Stephen Hawking
black and white photo of Hawking in a chair, in an office.
Hawking at NASA, 1980s
Born Stephen William Hawking
8 January 1942 (age 71)
Oxford, England


42 nd street --> maps to time address 1942  of time agent 42 ---> Base 4 exponemt = Base 16 HEX TIME


Stephen William HawkingCH, CBE, FRS, FRSA (born 8 January 1942) is an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author and Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology within the University of Cambridge.

He is a vocal supporter of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.




An example of an EVENT mirror or INVERSE involves the BRITISH military battles on behalf of GALILEO the DEFENDER (of PLANET EARTH from the alien brain invasion ..between year 1610 and year 1616)(see the Galileo Blog titles for more details of the secret 400 year astronomy intellectual war).







1982 Base 16 Hex'FA' Regular Universe --> FAlkland Islands
2009 Base 16 Hex'AF' INVERSE Battle --> AFghanistan

The year 1982 + 27 years = 2009 gives us access to the DR.WHO
3-dimensional information TIME CUBE. 3 cubed = 27 years. The British astronomy David H. Clark book 'The Quest for SS433', British astrophysics theorists . . . along with the British military engagements .. provide us with a good data outline of world structure.








A recently discovered communications system mirror or INVERSE in the world of ETHER physics (year 1895 to today) involves atomic physics CSMA/CD protocol (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection).


ETHERNET - copper computer communications CSMA/CD

NETETHER - biological computer communications system of social, political science life formats in the European geography country NET.ETHER region --> which is the Netherlands and surrounding countries. Brussels diplomats and the Hague world court use a guman bio-computer  social version of CSMA/CD protocol.




Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection - Wikipedia ...
CSMA/CD is used to improve CSMA performance by terminating ... Channel access methods and Media access control (MAC)/Multiple-access protocols.

CSMA/CD: a physical layer protocol for dealing with network collisions
Sep 28, 2005 - CSMA/CD (carrier sense multiple access/collision detection) is the most widely used protocol (i.e., set of rules) for determining how network ...
What is Ethernet – CSMA /CD – Introduction to OSI layer model



ETHERNET - copper computer communications CSMA/CD

NETETHER - biological computer communications system of social, political science life formats in the European geography country NET.ETHER region --> which is the Netherlands and surrounding countries. Brussels diplomats and the Hague world court use a social version of CSMA/CD protocol.





Thus the countries in the geography ETHER region have the geography LOCALITY (local)anesthesic effct upon their symbolic brain --> the EARTH region...providing a brain challenge to lazy they may overcome their self-symbolic ETHER. Know thy-self says the thyroid GLAND of en.GLAND.

Europe thinkers have other brain puzzles ....but the lazy desire intellectual confusion.

The true story of Anastasia.(Princess Anastasia of Russia) .....translated by NATURE really states:



The TRUE story of using symbol langauges ..  word commands to the brain bio-computer ...  brain  SYMBOL MACHINE processor 
A.nasty tas=task
A.nesthetize a university students brain.
..the modern LEWIS Carroll humanoid guinea-pig.

See LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?
-->then the warning message of 1961 (Bay of Pigs, Cuba)--> BRAIN war message to year 2010.

The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:

"Here one   of    the guinea-pigs cheered,     and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with strings: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."

Guess what ...between year 1865 and year 2010.....there is a 90% probababity your brain has been mostly captured. The primary symptom of a human guinea-pig denial of the situation and denial of the possiblity. George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, and and a few others escaped the intellectual jail.....and their symbolic books sent us serious messages.
When I was a student, I needed CLIFF NOTES to decode and explain...their hidden messages.

The brain intellectual jail cell of NATURE uses molecular cell biology....using the iron HEME group Fe(ii) ion ....thus the symbolic iron bars that can easily imprison the MIND of
a university professorial group for atomic social science policy ERRORS.





What is the atomic brain professor?
Professor components --> Pro + fe + ssor equation ==>
Pro = 26 proton English alphabet letters of
fe = 26 protons of ferrous oxide iron atom ......the IRON CLAD con.fessor/pro.fessor of atomic brain proton social engineering thoughts.
Thus the periodic atomic table governemnt has huamnoid agent expressors.

And book 1984 ...that was over 26 year ago. Anyone under 40 or 50 years of in hypnotic state of bliss. It takes careful intellectual effort over months to solve simple puzzles like:

Why was Virginia TECH University shooting on APRIL 16 ? It's a BASE 16 HEX/curse data processing WAR message...message ignored by university computer science graduate students.



Why does Virginia TECH univerity English department teach:

English teacher writes: Twenty-four hours equals a 24 hour day

Herb Zinser math class: 20 minus 4 = 16 hours per day


Thus the April 16, 2007 Y2K biological clock mess/ message processing SIGNAL for humans with a year 2000 model brain computer..that is missing the Y 2K data stream of consciousness subroutine. Please help spread the word ..about the serious messages described under various BLOGs /Websites with keywords:

Herb Zinser's Project Plan Z
Herb Zinser's Science Wars

The Symbol Origin of the Universe

Permalink 12/17/13 22:14, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


Before solids, gravity, and electromagnetc waves existed; before the BIG BANG --> we assume an axiom (Schopenhauer) --> that a symbolic universe of thought, will, and ideas existed and wished to express itself in a new media --> thus the BIG BANG and the new dimensions of visbile, tangible expressions --> such as solid-state physics, interaction of gravity with mass, electromagnetic life in biological EM format = EMBASSY diplomatic officials.

--> The mathematical creation of physical existence has a few components; one is the GALILEO Hexadecimal Base 16 construct. Organizations affected by the COMPUTER EARTH Galileo WAR include:

The United States Federal Aviation Administration --> incomplete math exponential accident reports:
HEX'FAA' = F x 16 exp 2 + A x 16 exp 1 + A x 16 exp 0.





The British Royal Air Force --> RAF --> computer earth
REGION    hex'A' = 10     thru       hex'F' = 15

of Base 16 Royal AIR = Oxygen atomic mass 16 hex data processor. The Royal AIR Force is now fighting the Base 16 HEX'FF" = High-Values= 255 math battle in the HIGH-mountains geography region designated RAF --> Region AF= AFGHANISTAN. Does the RAF realize this math component of the WAR? British readers of this BLOG may communicate their SCIENCE WAR view to British military chat-rooms and British think tanks...give this BLOG as your reference source. This is a new dimension of understanding the AFGHAN WAR; its called thinking outside the box.



--> The symbolic English vowel system: A E I/O U gives access to the galactic computer --> vowels I/O = Input/Output. The galactic system 370 social engineering project plan identifiers are:

Vowel A = American geographic location
Vowel E = E pluri BUS unum (the GREAT SEAL) data BUS
Vowel I = Input data stream
Vowel O = Output data pipeline
Vowel U = other sides of the multi-facted UNIVERSAL MIND


A major galactic SYMBOL COMPUTER battle was on April 16 (HEX DATE)  with the English Department at Virginia TECH University...representative of North American university intellectual errors. Usage of the English language for schemes, biased explanations of events, propaganda, BRAVE NEW WORLD brain manipulation....seems to be the approved policy of universities...and the STANDARD they teach students.

The phrase: The WORLD is a stage ...... and we are the actors (such as the WORLD theater player MR.CHO). So what is the SECRET theater script ...the symbolism...that the university faculties cover-up?

William Shakespeare from year 1600 already explained the basic concept: The WORLD is a stage ...and we are the players'.

Thus a message from      year  1600 to  1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the WHITE HOUSE address  space   (IBM Base 16 hexadecimal ...WHITE optical spectrum used by eyes/optical nerve with the brain HOUSE of photon nouns/verbs/symbolic city).


The university and newspaper reporters conspiracy ...accusing MR.CHO as the sole CAUSE of the tragedy ...... is the poorest intellectual fantasy explanation ever invented in the last 400 years. The event is one of many SCIENCE WAR tragedies:

Shakespeare - All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And ONE MAN in his time plays many parts, ...

The Virginia TECH University ....Darwinian natural selction for the SCIENCE WARS ....English language warrior --> ONE MAN = Mr.CHO--> thus the CHO = CHOSEN ONE...a messenger for a subtle message from NATURE regarding the misuse of the English language by televion and advertisng/marketing ...for their BRAVE NEW WORLD brain manipulation and biased propaganda ....a communications industry process to capture the few remaining independent thinkers..such as the readers of this BLOG.

The Virginia TECH University ...Darwinian natural selection for the SCIENCE WARS ....biochemistry molecular warrior --> ONE MAN = Nidal Hasan and the molecular cell biology DARPA advanced brain project military message mission at FORT HOOD. Nature's goverment has its own version of DARPA: the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

Thus Britian and the United States.....and all English language speaking countries in the WORLD
are involved in the SCIENCE WARS ...with citizen warriors. Will the Darwinian selection process choose you.....for the next tragic play in WORLD THEATER perfomances ...of reality descriptions of events VS the nonsense part of the world as outlined by GEORGE ORWELL, ALDOUS HUXLEY and other brave thinkers.






-->  Virginia TECH approval of language manipulation schemes

-->  Aldo Moro .... ITAY  prime minister killed in Aldo Huxley intellectual wars

Brave NEW World --> World Trade Center war zone on Sept 11, 2001

Brave NEW World --> NEWtown Connecticut ... Sandy Hook school errors

Galileo the DEFENDER (of Planet Earth from the alien astronomy - thought brain invaders)

Permalink 12/12/13 22:54, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


Year 1616 is a milestone in astronomy. The evolution of space/time life components resulted in Base 16 hexadecimal SPACE and Base 16 hexadecimal TIME.

Year 1616 --> BASE 16 space and BASE 16 time.


Around year 1600 and William Shakespeare wrote
....." The WORLD is a stage and we are the players" ... or restated
....." The WORLD is a galactic theater and we  (astronomy professors and others) are the players".

The EARTH LAB Base 16 computational project started in year 1600; the astronomy/ astrophysics galactic computer systems project started in year 1610. In year 1616 the galactic computer system project was titled: GALILEO the DEFENDER in honor of his position as an intellectual military general in the MILKY WAY galactic WAR. The astronomy war that began around year 1610 continues to this day in year 2010. The 400 year GALILEO ASTRONOMY WAR is a well-kept secret. Now astronomy intellectual warriors are needed. Amateur astronomy individuals, astrophysics students, and science professors are needed to provide the new leadership and vigor to complete this project.

The GALILEO the DEFENDER (of Earth)  project has a project convergence completion date computed using YEAR 1616 --> 16 x 16 = YEAR 256.

Hexadecimal year 256 is the link to the Hawking/ Gibbons astrophysics parallel processing EVENT HORIZON year 256 --> the exponent TIME WORLD year 2008 --> Base 2 exponent 008 = Year 256 at Cambridge --> which is a CAD/ CAM bridge to the galactic computer system 370.

CAD = Computer Aided Design
CAM = Computer Aided Man with humanoid symbolic brain specimens at Cambridge, England and Cambridge, Massachusetts and the Hubble(ton) astronomy project near Cambridge, Wisconsin.

The CAM.bridge Y 2 K ERROR is known as the K ERROR (K ERR in Hawking/Gibbons astrophysics terminology suggests the KERR metric looking for a Y 2K solution). Specifically, the CAM.bridge communications BRIDGE needs to handle a 2K data stream to the GALILEO computer system 370 Base 16 HEX SPACE and Base 16 HEX TIME --> the EVEN math integer EVENT HORIZON data processing region. Theorists interested in seeking the astrophysics local region (PLANET EARTH) KERR solution to the EARTH problem will find the empirical data and the preliminary GALILEO model useful.


In addition, math and physics professors can help the ODD integer humanoid agent: Fermilb director Pier ....who seems to be trapped in the the ODD integer math space contolled by the math GODDESS ....whose dominion is the
.ODD numbers one, three, five, seven, 9, SKU11..... not responded to Einstein's Special Theory of atomic bio-physics relatives .....Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology life at Batavia, Illinois, USA. Math social/work life is not written about; but now you know another dimension of human existence.

The universities have ignored the Y2K standard protocols since YEAR 2000; consequently KERR errors and other errors have occured. Astronomy and astrophysics graduate students and professors have an opportunity to help me explain to the world this galactic phenomena; how it affects EARTH and our personnal future.

As one philosophically reflects upon the 400 year astronomy war, one must think of the project title: GALILEO the DEFENDER.

Then one must ask the questions:
1) Defender of what --> what situation or circumstance?

2) Defender implies that there was an invasion of some type.

3) Since Galileo was engaged in SOLAR SYSTEM research, then perhaps he detected the type/format of the invaders . . . and he was then told to be quiet and kept under house arrest.

4) If an invasion took place, what format were the invaders.



The invadors would not be a directly visible physical biological entity.
Hence,alternative format/types such as: EM = Electromagnetc life forms that would enter via the eye and take over the optical nerve, brain optical computer system --> and thus eventually control thoughts (hence possible incomplete or alien thoughts). Thus a physically normal looking 2-legged person would have these EM life forms implanted in their social behavior brain optical circuits.



Thus we see the          electric(k)    field      used by  citizen/government  television and radio broadcasters. 

A second method could be gravitational life forms that interact with the atomic mass in the biological brain. The gravitational life would eventually take over the brain's social perceptions. The amount of data from 50 years of television shows provide many clues to this modifying process of brain perceptions. The authors of books like 1984,BRAVE NEW WORLD, and FUTURE SHOCK have raised their suspicions.

Hence, GALILEO the DEFENDER of EARTH becomes a very possible situation; a link between social science and astrophysics that university professors ought clarify in year 2010.

Thus the hidden messages -->
Doublespeak - The term doublespeak was coined in the 1950s. Inspired by George Orwell's 1949 dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, after the fashion of "doublethink. ...

The hidden message of Doublespeak:

1st message is at face value --> UK Non-resident Alien,   tax   treaties and 8833 forms used by the British economic system

tax   treaties --> algebra subset symbols --> ax  eat --> axon eaters --> the  Margaret Thatcher brain axon eaters that ate her memory.   The government SECRET  treaty  of eat with bio-computer cannibal subroutines .... AL --> Alzheimer's and aliens  eat brain ideas. .... also known  as Margarte Mead   atomic bio-physics HEAD HUNTERS  inside the brain.

2nd message per Doublespeak --> many British citizen brain computers have BRAIN alien format 8833
from the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness of the British people. This then affects leadership.... like Margaret Thatcher's problem with Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology .....the atomic brain memory HEAD HUNTERS inside the skull. Consequently, a factor in the Alzheimer's problem.

Raymond Davis, JR the NOBEL scientist fought a heroic battle with cortex cannibals....and his Brookhaven nuclear brain radio neurotransmitters transmitted some empircal data on how Alzheimer's HEAD Hunters work within the atomic brain computer terminal...the brain computer screen and its menu of for thought for cannibal subroutines.

Brookhaven has yet to acknowledge the existence of Margaret Mead atomic nuclear anthropology and the atomic brain. Atoms are the origin of thought in the brain ....but that is an unorthodox theory.



CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER


Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134,USA

Keywords can be used on INTERNET Google/etc:
-Herb Zinser's biochemistry
-Herb Zinser's physics
-Science wars math

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