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The Time Machine - Computer Earth and brain computer biological clock failure
The TIME MACHINE -Computer Earth By zinjan
H.G.Wells wrote the following clues:
» Year 1895 - The TIME MACHINE
» Year 1897 - The Invisible Man
» Year 1898 - The WAR of the Worlds
George Orwell wrote the TIME COMPUTER manual: 1984
Year 1984 + Base 16 Hexadecimal Years = Year 2000
Y2K also involved your brain biological computer. Did you upgrade your brain in YEAR 2000? Your Y2K failure components:
» Y-algebraic chromosome biological LIFESPAN clock
» 2K data stream pipeline needed by the new millenlium Central Nervous System 370 cortex data processor. Respect MOTHER NATURE social policy limits and MOTHER NATURE’s intellectual evolution will help you out-think the component of DEATH TIME? It is an intellectual chess game as outlined in the movie ” The Seventh Seal”.
Mother Nature’s biological double-helix clock TIME PARADOX:
» School teacher says: Twenty – four hours a day = 24 decimal
» The TIME MACHINE says: 20 minus 4 = 16 hours hexadecimal.
Thus we see the double-helix TIME equations of the 20 standard amino acids .... with 2 time answers.
Chem.com: Biochemistry:Twenty Amino Acids
www.chem4aminoacids/ -
The Amino Acids
chemed.chem.purdue.edu/genchem/topicreview/bp/.../amino2.htmlBio-math Time equations that influence the length of lifetime
Twenty amio acids + 4 DNA nucleotides = 24 hours per day
Twenty amino acids - 4 DNA nucleotides = 16 hours per day
To LINK these 2 bio-math time zones within you ...you need to know some nasic BASE 2 exponents and Base 16 hex.
Thus 24 --> Base 2 exponent 4 --> LINK to Base 16 oxygen atomic computer in your body
Thus we see the elements of your BIO-TIME MACHINE.
What are the details?
Do you have an amino acid BIO-TIME MACHINE inside of your body?
The HEX/curse of computer programming CAD = Computer Aided Design of student CAD =Cadavers. Thus the Base 16 shooting on April 16 at Virginia TECH university. Modern computerized death accident/murder systems using person bio-computers. Do you understand COMPUTER EARTH social engineering systems?
Why the double-helix TIME PARADOX in college graduates?
Do you have a DNA TIME SPLIT brain-computer VOID?
Are you a TWO-TIME loser?
You are a –> Y TWO K –> two time loser?
Have you fixed your DUAL existence as an.....indivi.DUAL?
What is your DUAL binary existence?
Know thy-self says the thyroid gland!
The Sartre existential message was the play "NO EXIT" ...which is a concept familiar to COMPUTER Programmmers.. ..BAL bio-computer program Entry points and Exits.
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