Math and physics equations and concepts are SYMBOL LIFE forms that display their thoughts VIA humanoid output signaling devices and their actions and behavior
« Norway continuum war in Europe n-space-- introductionNorway and its astrophysics EARTH LAB project mission identifiers: Viking, Thor, and the North Star. »

The astrophysics evolution of Logan, Utah, Earth mathematical-physics dimensions into a Computer Earth logarithms processor system 370

Permalink 12/18/13 12:16, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized
Herb Zinser's analysis of the atomic / astronomy continuum --> thru modern astrophysics. An accurate analysis of the various dimensions of existence and their battlefields


A variety of research studies have suggested additional theories to supplement our view of EARTH life. Research has discovered a VOID in the intellectual continuum --> the OMMISSION of simple, obvious facts and relationships. Thus I wondered if some secret dimension existed on EARTH that I needed to understand....

--> physics talks about M-theory and 12 dimensions....
--> and math guys have n-space and degrees of freedom....

Then I look at books by Thorne, Hawking, Lederman, etc ...and try to understand some of their complex subject areas. And I also have some computer books ....IBM system 370 main frame technology from around year 1984 with IBM OS/JCL and COBOL,Bal, etc.

We have the BLOG: Symbolic Origin of the Universe ==>

Before solids, gravity, and electromagnetc waves existed; before the BIG BANG --> we assume an axiom (Schopenhauer) --> that a symbolic universe of thought, will, and ideas existed and wished to express itself in a new media --> thus the BIG BANG and the new dimensions of visbile, tangible expressions --> such as solid-state physics, interaction of gravity with mass, electromagnetic life in biological EM format = EMBASSY diplomatic officials.



--> The mathematical creation of physical existence has a few components; one is the GALILEO Hexadecimal Base 16 construct.






Organizations affected by the COMPUTER EARTH Galileo WAR include the Federal Aviation Administration --> incomplete math exponential accident reports:
HEX'FAA' = F x 16 exp 2 + A x 16 exp 1 + A x 16 exp 0.

--> The symbolic English vowel system: A E I/O U gives access to the galactic computer --> vowels I/O = Input/Output. The galactic system 370 social engineering project plan identifiers are:
Vowel A = American geographic location
Vowel E = E pluri BUS unum (the GREAT SEAL) data BUS
Vowel I = Input data stream
Vowel O = Output data pipeline
Vowel U = other sides of the multi-facted UNIVERSAL MIND



Now lets look the astrophysics verison VIA the book " Black Holes and Time Warps"......written in mutli-level English.

--> The symbolic English vowel system: A E I/O U gives access to the galactic SYMBOL MACHINE  computer --> vowels I/O = Input/Output. The galactic system 370 social engineering project plan identifiers are:

Vowel A = Astrophysics origin
Vowel E = English used by Thorne
Vowel I = Input data stream
Vowel O = Output data pipeline
Vowel U = Utah --> the Logan logarithms component of the multi-facted UNIVERSAL MIND




Thus we see the structure of Nature's logarithm computer .....using copper wire computer system terms and their software terms...we begin to reveal ....the astrophysics computer adjectives.



Thus we see the parallel processing strcuture with:

Calculate <-- --> CalTECH

Password <-- --> Pasadena

Logon <-- -->Logan universe agent --> Utah





Login <-- --> Logarithms in --> input such as human  bio-math bio-computer bioLOGy input devices with data







Kip Stephen Thorne (born June 1, 1940 in LOGAN, UTAH  ) is an American theoretical physicist, known for his prolific contributions in gravitational physics and astrophysics and for having trained a generation of scientists. A longtime friend and colleague of Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan, he was the Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) .





He resigned his Feynman Professorship (he is now the Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, Emeritus)

to pursue a career of writing
and movie making .... the year 2013 sequel to Logan's Run.

Logan's Run


Logan's Run is a 1976 American science fiction film directed by Michael Anderson.



In the year 2274, the remnants of human civilization live in a sealed domed city,
a utopia run by a computer (Logan, ut = UTAH astrophysics computer science ) that takes care of all aspects of their life




Logans Run movie --> Run a batch job with a batch of students going for a Bachelor of Science

Logans Run --> Log + ans + run --> Logarithms answer run


Logan's Run
Logans run movie poster.jpg
poster for US theatrical release
Directed by Michael Anderson
Produced by Saul David
Screenplay by David Zelag Goodman
Based on Logan's Run
by William F. Nolan and
George Clayton Johnson
Starring Michael York


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