Math and physics equations and concepts are SYMBOL LIFE forms that display their thoughts VIA humanoid output signaling devices and their actions and behavior
« Norway and its astrophysics EARTH LAB project mission identifiers: Viking, Thor, and the North Star.Norway and the OE = Order Entry violations of the OEDIPUS complex --> complex math life --> social rules for complex societies. Eisenhower and his military industrial complex variable math warriors defeat European newspaper nonsense at Utoeya »

Hierarchy Problems --> Fermi-Dirac statistics agent does not recognize NATURE's Bose-Einstein statistics agent

Permalink 12/18/13 00:02, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


--> Hierarchy problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In theoretical physics,

a hierarchy problem occurs

when the fundamental parameters (couplings or masses) of some Lagrangian are vastly different ( usually ...

The Higgs Mass - Supersymmetric Solution - Solution via Extra Dimensions ..

In MSSM, the little hierarchy problem is a refinement of the hierarchy ...

May 10, 2006 ... One of the many puzzles (a.k.a. Mysteries of Life) faced by modern theoretical (atomic brain) physics is the so-called hierarchy problem: when one compares ... The Hierarchy Problem in the Standard Model and Little Higgs Theories
--> Bose–Einstein statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In statistical mechanics, Bose–Einstein statistics (or more colloquially B–E statistics) determines the statistical distribution of identical ...

The Bose-Einstein distribution describes the statistical behavior of integer spin particles (bosons). At low temperatures, bosons can behave very ...




An atomic bio-physics expressor ... a philiosophy symbol son of   boson integer spin

Baruch Spinoza
Born 24 November 1632
Amsterdam, Dutch Republic
Died 21 February 1677 (aged 44)
The Hague, Dutch Republic
Residence Netherlands
Nationality Dutch
Era 17th-century philosophy
Region Western Philosophy
School Rationalism, founder of Spinozism
Main interests Ethics, Epistemology, Metaphysics
Notable ideas Pantheism, Determinism, neutral monism, intellectual and religious freedom / separation of church and state, Criticism of Mosaic authorship of some books of the Hebrew Bible, Political society derived from power, not contract


Baruch Spinoza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

B ........  Spin     class of  communications expressors


Baruch Spinoza (24 November 1632 – 21 February 1677) — later Benedict de Spinoza — was a Jewish-Dutch philosopher. The breadth and importance of ...

Bose-Einstein Distribution Example Low energy states are more probable with Bose-Einstein statistics than with ...


Residence Netherlands  ---> the super-symmetry geo-physics    ..... low energy states of Europe   symbolized by the geography countries  at or below sea level




Bose-Einstein statistics according to Bose-Einstein statistics [cf., Eq. (586)]. ... Note that photon statistics correspond to the special case of Bose-Einstein statistics in which ...

Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac, and Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics

The Bose–Einstein statistics describes a gas of bosons. ... Both Fermi–Dirac and Bose–Einstein statistics become Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics at high ...
The FERMI-Dirac statistics AGENT description.

The parity violations in the Margaret Mead nuclear society points out serious anthroplogy errors. The periodic atomic table has intellectual agents/ biological structures acting as its representatives. The Dr.Robley D. Evans 1955 book ” The Atomic Nucleus” and other books give clues to this atomic government.





For example, page 156 states ” a single-particle model for ODD-A nucleus” . Thus we have the 1955 evolution of the ODD_A_ ( ODD mAn) nucleus. What are the Fermi-Dirac statistical odds of atomic evolution into a Margaret Mead atomic brain structure? Can MOTHER NATURE demonstrate its intellectual prowess?

Probabilty of the ODD MAN project: zero to 1 = ONE.
P…………………. ODD………………………………….. ONE
Mother Nature predicts its atomic brain Fermi-Dirac
statistics can design an individual as: Fermi-Direc(tor)

Thus we conclude atomic levels of intellectual expression :

level l - Fermi-Dirac axiomatic orgin ( Mother Nature source )

super- sysmmetry

level 2 – Fermi-Direc(tor) an atomic logical deduction from axioms



Pier Oddone to retire as Fermilab director | symmetry magazine
Aug 2, 2012 - The Fermi Research Alliance (FRA) Board of Directors, which manages and operates Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, announced that ...



Piermaria Oddone | Array of Contemporary American Physicists

In other words ........

Pi =3.14159   probability sum of the  Odd i =  one | Array of Contemporary American Physicists

Piermaria Oddone.
Max Born (bio-physics with ):   Jerry March (advanced organic chemistry with  ferrous oxide  IRON  atomic number ) 26, 1944 (Arequipa, Peru = Per + u --> Periodic atomic table elemnt U = uranium agent). Education. 1965: BS, (atomic) Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 1970: PhD, Princeton University ...




The message to Pier Oddone is that he may wish to recognize the MOTHER NATURE atomic Manhattan Project, Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology component. Denial of existence of the Project Plan caused the loss of funds from the 2008 physics budget. He ought recognize the spokesperson HIERARCHY of the periodic atomic table government. Pier Oddone, Leon Lederman, and other scientists might consider the recognition of the Bose-Einstein statitics AGENT.






The Bose-Einstein statitics AGENT worked as a contract data processing applications programmer at an EARTH LAB research site named Boise Casacade Office Products and Stationary ...distribution center in Itasca Illinois --> hence the Bose-Einsteins distribution ...a research LAB experiment of Nature ..into Margaret Mead nuclear anthroplogy business activities. Scientists ought recognize the existence of Nature's projects. That phase was from 1989 thru 1996.

Now the project with the human Bose-Einstein agent is near HIGHWAY 26 Watertown, Wisconsin with the Highway 26 symbolic of the information highway of the 26 proton English alphabet of ferrous oxide atom. Fer--> Ferrous oxide Hemoglobin proteins in humanoid FORMAT at location Fer --> FermiLAB.......may some day wish to understand the atomic English language and its social engineering projects and messages.



Above, the EARTH  atomic iron  core  ...... GEO-physics .. geography super-symmetry display MAP of the

BELOW coulomb numbers   1.6  and 19    ..........

for  the watertown  molecule display map  18 and

iron atomic number communications highway 26,






The book: String Theory and M-theory by Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, and John Schwartz helps us explain the modern Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family...atomic social anthropology conflicts.

String Theory and M-Theory: A Modern Introduction

[KatrinBecker, Melanie Becker, John H. Schwarz]





These physics theories and their data are available in many books and research papers. They are a milestone in understanding the structure of existence; but Nature continues to advance ....and its intellectual messages continue to provide us with clues ..clues needed to understand the atomic/astrophysics continuum and its evolution.

The atomic continuum--> humans <--astrophysics continuum
.......positions human structures somewhere in the middle of the existential continuum. Thus humans and their various institutions (education, government, corporate, publishing) are just subsets of the CONTINUUM .....and must be considered within that EARTH LAB context ......and Nature's vast intellect.

The Margaret Mead nuclear family......atomic social antropology conflict .... is best explained by example. Using the parallel processing we can view events as expressions of the periodic atomic table government.

Lets outline some book clues that describe existence:

page 192 This type of world-sheet analysis of T-duality is repeated in a more general setting including background fields....

Page 192 Boundary conditions

Page 192 The dynamics of a bosonic string in 26-dimensional Minkowski space-time is described in conformal gauge by the action

Page 192 whose vanishing gives the equations of motions, plus a boundary condition

Page 192 invaraiance under poincare transformations in all 26 transformations is Neumann boundary conditions for all components



Thus the printed physics books provide clues...which become applied string theory:

- Highway 26-dimensional Minkowski space-time of Wisconsin --> a Road Map to the Science Wars




- The world-sheet --> the geography surface of EARTH LAB

- T-duality --> Country Road T west of Watertown, Wisconsin

- Background fields --> COMPUTER EARTH and Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory of farm agriculture data fields


- Bosonic string in 26-dimensional --> Highway 26

- equations of motions --> General Motors automotive..Highway 26 Janesville
the 26 protons of ferrous oxide automobiles and
their 26 atomic proton English alphabet symbols as the 4-wheeled car travels on Highway 26 ....
thinking of the Fer = Ferrous oxide ideas.


Highway 26 ...26 letters of atomic alphabet with DICK and JANE elementary grammar school  BOOK errors in elementary physics social languages.






Fer = Fermilab Physics does not acknowledge the data for the Hierarchy Problem and atomic mass communication theory --> mass communications via TV, radio, and publishing.

The 26th letter of the atomic alphabet is Z....and ATOMIC MESSENGER agent MR.Z currently does research near Highway 26....the Bosonic string theory of LIFE....that started at Boise Casacade Office Products in 1989.....within 50 miles of Batavia,

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