FermiLAB physics - secret broadcast message systems: Deep Space Nine » |
Magnum PI television, FermiLAB, and the Chicago Navy Pier electromagnetic wave component of the SCIENCE WARS
The atomic mass expresses itself thru mass communications systems such as movies, television, radio,newspapers, magazines, and the INTERNET. EARTH LAB has various expressions of atoms and mathematical structures.
A cellulose OAK tree is such a structure,
Computer Earth system 370 has Nature's BALD Eagle for Basic Assembler Language version D for bird watchers, etc.
A modern expression of atoms and mathematical structures is the composite EARTH LAB experimental specimen labeled: HUMAN with a symbolic computer. This atomic bio-physics processor is amendable to Nature's research projects. The atomic computer INTELLECT processor has atomic bio-physics output writers in Hollywood that prepare atomic report scripts.
Thus lets look as an outline of the messages broadcast by TV show: Magnum PI
actor: ATOM Shell human name
..........TOM S ell eck
Magnum, P.I. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
--> the North Pole magnetic field..flow lines interact with the human IRON hemoglobin and its protein societal thoughts.
The magnetic field flow lines.....(a curious magnetic LIFE format) .... had a desire to learn about floating point numbers (scientific notation) used by engineering students with FORTRAN computer language. Thus the Darwinian adaption of Fortran floating point numbers from a copper wire computer ...to Fortan floating point numbers in the magnetic field-->
hence the word ..... Magnum --> Mag + num --> Earth geo-physics magnetic NUMBERS of the North/South pole and the Earth iron core with its 26 proton 26 atomic English alphabet.
Why Magnum PI? Well, Nature is trying to send a message to a
leading FER --> Ferrous oxide atomic research location; supposedly
named FER = in.FER thought --> Ferrous oxide atomic language
thougths at FER.miLAB.
Thus the magnetic FERRY secret communications method.
Such is not the case. None the less...the message exists:
Magnum PI -->
Magnetic Numbers Pi = Pier O --> Chicago Circle Campus -->
original campus at Navy Pier with wave mechanics of Lake Michigan.
Update needed by Nature ....waiting in year 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,2012,2013.
What is status of the project?
Why the Margaret Mead atomic social anthropology ...wave mechanics battle at OCEAN Class at Cole Hall, DeKalb?
Such are the subtle messages of atomic mass communications via mass media: television, radio, print?
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