The secret identity of various Science RD agents and groups. The theory of interaction of Nature's forces with the human substrate to become social forces and vectors. Atomic mass communication identifies atomic human agent attributes.
« Logan, Utah astrophysics mystery messages revealed. The subconscious MIND secrets of the Caltech X-MEN, Logan , and the Brotherhood of Mutants.L. Ron Hubbard and his secret atomic brain electron circuit signal --> the p-orbital message. What does the message mean to Scientology? »

RD agents ---> What is your secret role in the SCIENCE WARS. You have failed to report as an intellectual warrior. This is your last chance before Nature's symbolic brain evolution passes you by.

Permalink 12/17/13 19:45, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized

The Science Wars reveals the DUAL nature of a human --->  indiviDUAL . 

How does the DUALITY principle affect you?

We have the our personnal..... TALE of 2 Cities.

The 1st is the obvious level as seen in our daily activities (work, study,etc) and our daily relationships with other people, schools, government agencies,etc.

The 2nd .... less visible is our subliminal mind/ subconscious mind and its various relationships to Nature's forces and atomic elements. For example, gravity interacts with brain atomic mass giivng gravity thoughts. The human gravity thought people are then partitioned by Nature into different human sub-species for easy identification .... for Earth Lab social experiments.

For example ..... the people that live along  ROUTE 66 are gravity life specimens.





Above  ...  we see the   Nm --> New Mexico --> the  gravity post office  system parameter.  




Antigravity and Gravity Research -

Jan 8, 2012 - 6 posts - 5 authors
“At least 14 major United States universities and other research centers are hard at work on the gravity barrier and antigravity


Gravity life forms and their gravity identifiers.

G = Universal gravitational constant with repesentatives 

Gabrielle Giffords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Prior to her election to the United States Congress, Gravity Giffords served in the .... 2011, Giffords was shot in the head outside a
Safeway grocery store in Casas ...


Safeway grocery store

Safeway grocery store

Safeway grocery store

Milky WAY grocery store


... grocery --> g   ro  ce  -->  gravity row code

SYMBOL equation .. grocery --> g   roc --> gravity region of  convergence  


WHO are you?
Nature's military atoms, photon soldiers, nouns and verbs, equation warriors
.... and the geometry trapezoid have set a trap.

Sorry about that ..... but Nature rules over subset humans and their errors.
Your biggest ERROR is failure to report to duty in the INTELLECTUAL WARS.

In the various blogs, we provide CLUES that describe the attributes and adjectives of various people and GROUPS. Modern Margaret Mead nuclear family theory and analysis of atomic social anthropology activities, atomic political science, atomic crimes, etc. explains many events and happenings in our daily lives and in world affairs. The Earth governments at their various levels and formats of expression ..... keep tabs on subset human AGENTS and their atomic brain symbolic expressions .... thus accurate AGENT data reports are every important.

Welcome to the Aldous Huxley project of BRAVE NEW WORLD!


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CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


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