The secret identity of various Science RD agents and groups. The theory of interaction of Nature's forces with the human substrate to become social forces and vectors. Atomic mass communication identifies atomic human agent attributes.
« RD agents ---> What is your secret role in the SCIENCE WARS. You have failed to report as an intellectual warrior. This is your last chance before Nature's symbolic brain evolution passes you by.Wisconsin Singularity Theory --> applied Milnor numbers with undercover Milnor agent: Milwaukee policeman Norberg wounded in Milnor number math battle »

L. Ron Hubbard and his secret atomic brain electron circuit signal --> the p-orbital message. What does the message mean to Scientology?

Permalink 12/17/13 19:49, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


The periodic atomic table government has many formats of expression. One such FORMAT are atomic bio-physics humans that with a symbolic brain. Such humans are messengers for the atomic/ astronomy continuum. Consider humans as subset intermediates that live within the EARTH LAB continuum of Sartre existences .........which includes the atomic/astronomy social communication continuum.



The human is composed of atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.

Therefore atoms are the origin of thought.

Some elements of the periodic atomic table of human life are shown below.


The elements exist as physical entities and symbolic life: nouns with descriptive attributes.

Therefore political protests, books written, etc. by humans.....are really atomic messages of the Margaret Mead atomic families VIA the atomic human vehicle /the human.... an atomic feelings expressor /the human atomic messenger.




Thus the above atomic structure helps describe the atomic thought inside the
ELECTRON skull of Mr. Hubbard....subset letters
..L..... RON Hubbard .. identifier code



Thus we look at the electron orbitals inside his brain.



Electrons are grouped by shells.

From Wikipedia
--> An electron shell may be thought of as an orbit followed by electrons around an atom's nucleus. The closest shell to the nucleus is called the "1 shell" (also called "K shell"), followed by the "2 shell" (or "L shell"), then the "3 shell" (or "M shell"), and so on further and further from the nucleus. The shell letters K, L, M, ... are alphabetical.

Each shell can contain only a fixed number of electrons: The 1 shell can hold up to two electrons, the 2 shell can hold up to eight electrons, and in general, the n shell can hold up to 2n2 electrons. Since electrons are electrically attracted to the nucleus, an atom's electrons will generally occupy outer shells only if the more inner shells have already been completely filled by other electrons. However, this is not a strict requirement: Atoms may have two or even three outer shells that are only partly filled with electrons. (See Madelung rule for more details.) For an explanation of why electrons exist in these shells see electron configuration.


Then each shell can contain sub-shells
The sub-shells are called electron shell orbitals .... and are s, p, d, f orbitals.

From Wikipedia
--> Shells
The electron shells are labeled K, L, M, N, O, P, and Q; or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7; going from innermost shell outwards

--> Sub-shells
Each shell is composed of one or more subshells, which are themselves composed of atomic orbitals. For example, the first (K) shell has one subshell, called "1s"; the second (L) shell has two subshells, called "2s" and "2p"; the third shell has "3s", "3p", and "3d"; and so on. The various possible subshells are shown in the following table


Thus the atomic bio-physics signal sent ...seems to originate from the p-orbital of the L. RON (e L ect RON) Hubbard brain. Hence, it may symbolize that p-orbital = publishing orbital ..... that is the orginal electron publishing orbital of Nature ...that has existed long before the copper wire computers of the last 50 years.

What are some images of the p-orbital?


Thus his graphic signal for Scientology ...... a prophecy about the BRAIN electron thought wars, known as the INTELLECTUAL WAR component of the SCIENCE WARS.


IF brain ELECTRON agent
....................L.........RON Hubbard were still alive today ..... he probably would form relationships with those that could amplify and enhance his original mission. 

He realizes that Darwinian evolution continues.....that now the electron brain and its thought circuits are evolving with nouns,verbs, math equations,etc. Nature continues....those human brains with the philospophy to adapt and include advanced concepts ......are the symbolic brains that survive. Nature's version of the human Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer continues to evolve. Upgrade your brain data processing abilities in year 2012.

Thus Battlefield EARTH .....includes the brain battlefield ...the INTELLECTUAL WAR casualties on college campuses and elsewhere....

- NIL, Cole Hall, DeKalb Illinois ....oceanography class and the wave mechanics physics battle.
The wave NODE BATTLE (wave shown above)  took  place at EARTH geo-physics
communications NODE  = No + De = Northern (Illinois University, DeKalb.

- The Virginia TECH shooting on BASE 16 hexadecimal date of April 16 ...the brain bio-computer battle

- The Penn State enyzme battle with the LOCK-and-Key model ..... as symbolized by the football team messages

- The UTOEYA, Oslo, Norway shooting over UTOE = Unified Theory of Everything
The Europe wave NODE BATTLE (wave shown above)  took  place at EARTH geo-physics 
NODE  = No + De = Norway Denmark region
--> No + De = Noway Death at UTOEYA    and
--> No + De = Nordine  Death  (Lie and integrity errors of Liege, Belgium).

Can Scientology play an important role in the SCIENCE WARS?

Aldous Huxley's book warned us with BRAVE NEW WORLD. Are you a brave thinker?


CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


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