Philosophy ERRORS result in philosophy war levels: subliminal mind, Carl Jung collective unconsciousness, and the subconscious mind. Does your conscious mind have military defense logic tools.. Apparently NOT.
« The Socrates electromagnetic philosophy WAR - -> The Trial of Socrates . . . . . . ...revenge - -> the Socrates optical equation detects and defeats the eye/optical nerve of intellectual traitors.The world existential philosophy war . . . . Soren Kierkegaard and the ANGST shooting battle casualties. »

University marionettes defeated in the Hegel philosophy war - - -> string theory battle at Marinette High School, Wisconsin. The philosophy of agency with agent: Sam Hengel.

Permalink 12/17/13 15:50, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized





An outline of a philosophy puzzle involving current social philosophy ERRORS. A tragic signal provides some CLUES to the nature of the problem. However, much thought and study remains.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Feb 13, 1997 – These friendships clearly had a major influence on Hegel's philosophical development, and for a while the intellectual lives of the three were ...
1. Life, Work, and Influence - 2. Hegel's Philosophy - 3. Hegel's Works

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Wikipedia,
Hegel developed a comprehensive philosophical framework, or "system", of Absolute idealism to account in an integrated and developmental way for the ...

Life - Works - Thought - Legacy
Hegelianism - Wikipedia,
Hegelianism is a collective term for schools of thought following

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (August 27, 1770 – November 14, 1831) was a German philosopher, one of the creators of German Idealism. His historicist and idealist account of reality as a whole revolutionized European philosophy and was an important precursor to Continental philosophy and Marxism.

Hegel developed a comprehensive philosophical framework, or "system", of Absolute idealism to account in an integrated and developmental way for the relation of mind and nature, the subject and object of knowledge, psychology, the state, history, art, religion and philosophy. In particular, he developed the concept that mind or spirit manifested itself in a set of contradictions and oppositions that it ultimately integrated and united, without eliminating either pole or reducing one to the other. Examples of such contradictions include those between nature and freedom, and between immanence and transcendence.

Hegel influenced writers of widely varying positions, including both his admirers (Strauss, Bauer, Feuerbach, T. H. Green, Marx, Vygotsky, F. H. Bradley, Dewey, Sartre, Croce, Küng, Kojève, Fukuyama, žižek, Brandom, Iqbal)

His influential conceptions are of speculative logic or "dialectic", "absolute idealism", "Spirit", negativity, sublation (Aufhebung in German), the "Master/Slave" dialectic, "ethical life" and the importance of history.








Hegel developed a comprehensive philosophical framework, or "system", of Absolute idealism to account in an integrated and developmental way for the ...


IBM System 370 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The IBM  System /370 (S/370) was a model range of IBM main frames ....
As with all IBM mainframe development, 
preserving backward compatibility (to Hegel and other bio-computer optical systems) was ...


major influence on Hegel's philosophical development, and for a while the intellectual lives of the three were ...
1. Life, Work, and Influence - 
2. Hegel's Philosophy -
3. Hegel's Works
3. Hegel's Works
3. Hegel's Works  
3. Hegel's Works

3. Hegel's Works  and the Darwinian selection of a human agent whose name and background best approximates the signal / message to be sent:

Hengel  ....algebra subset word Hegel
Hengel  ....Boy Scout symbolic of honor and duty amongst men / mental messsenger agent in the modern intellectual wars

Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Dies After Shooting Self in Hostage
Nov 30, 2010 – Wisconsin School Gunman Samuel Hengel Dies After Shooting Self ... The gunman, identified as Marinette High School sophomore Sam ...





Sam Hengel, Teen Hostage-Taker In Wisconsin, Stumps Police
Mar 5, 2011 – 29, 2010 when police stormed the Marinette High School classroom in .... Wisconsin Teen Sam Hengel Dies After Shooting Self in Hostage ...

Sam Hengel --> string theory of EARTH LAB Sam --> Sample space region with puppet string theory experiments with sample atomic humanoid: Sam H. 
Thus we see Margaret Mead nuclear family ...atomic social psychology .....and in this case ...a tragic feeedback signal about the unfixed ERRORS of the social philosophy system in North America and Europe.


Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who held classroom
Nov 30, 2010 – A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students and a teacher hostage at Marinette ...

Wisconsin High School Hostage Principal's 911 Call ... - ABC News
Dec 1, 2010 – Corry Lambie, the principal of the Wisconsin high school in which two dozen students were held hostage Monday, is heard calmly describing ...

Teen gunman in school hostage drama dies -
Nov 30, 2010 – Classes are expected to resume Wednesday at the high school of 700 students. ... Although Hengel refused to talk to police and hostage negotiators, he ...

The Wisconsin Crime Lab is reconstructing the events inside the room ....





...................String theory applications to atomic brains
...................The Wisconsin School District Performance

...................... Marinette High School .



Marionette - Wikipedia,
The only purpose-built UK marionette theatre is The Harlequin Puppet Theatre ( built 1958) in Rhos on Sea, North Wales, Founded by the late Eric Bramall FRSA ...

Puppetry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These same tales are enacted in traditional puppet theatres featuring hand-made marionettes of wood. In Sicilian this is called "Opira dî pupi", or "Opera of the ...






National Marionette Theatre in Prague
National Marionette Theatre in Prague. Marionette (puppet) shows for children and adults have a long tradition in Prague and throughout the Czech Republic.

University of Wisconsin - Theater of WAR



The modern INTELLECTUAL WAR casualty report. The universities and large corporations were forewarned by books: Brave New World, 1984, Future Shock, and others.
Thus we have clues to a puzzle. Nature and its idealized version of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer has sent society a signal. Drawinian evolution continues.....with modern evolution centered on symbolic knowledge like math, physics, chemistry,etc.

Sports, restaurants, movies, music, televison, and cellular phones are not considered heavy-duty knowledge. Those areas have created many costly ERRORS that they refuse to achknowledge ...but they have no problem blaming physics and mechanical engineering for those problems. The university philosophy, theology, social psychology, and English departments have done nothing to BALANCE the biased spoken/written views promoted on TV, radio talk shows, and newspapers.
Thus we have the deep down wars ..... of various data streams of thought .... that then emerge to a level of conscious expression ...VIA the philosohpy of agency ...or the Darwinian selection of a student to express a Carl Jung collective unconsciousness GROUP ERROR ...such as the STATE of MIND ...known as the State of Wisconsin.

Wisconsin citizens have an over abundance of bull-stories about serious events ........ some of which ... have a more accurate explanation available. The more deeper explanation comes from study of the event in the context of the math, biochemistry, and physics knowledge available in year 2012.

Thus we have serious problem ... a puzzle with some CLUES. More thought is needed to get a more complete understanding of the puppet string theory physics message for the human atomic brain.



CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


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