Category: Uncategorized
The Socrates electromagnetic philosophy WAR - -> The Trial of Socrates . . . . . . ...revenge - -> the Socrates optical equation detects and defeats the eye/optical nerve of intellectual traitors.
The intellectual wars are a component of the SCIENCE WARS. Think very clearly and carefully. If your goal is to have clear,accurate thoughts ..... then the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer may help you accomp… more »
University marionettes defeated in the Hegel philosophy war - - -> string theory battle at Marinette High School, Wisconsin. The philosophy of agency with agent: Sam Hengel.
An outline of a philosophy puzzle involving current social philosophy ERRORS. A tragic signal provides some CLUES to the nature of the problem. However, much thought and study remains.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Stanford Enc… more »
The world existential philosophy war . . . . Soren Kierkegaard and the ANGST shooting battle casualties.
Herb Zinser's Socal Science War reports - Philosophy
Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (5 May 1813 – 11 November 1855) was a Danish philosopher, theologian and religious author. He was a critic of idealist intellectuals and philosophers of h… more »