PennState and other major universities are defeated in the SCIENCE WARS. Intellectuals failed to understand modern society within the context of Nature's social engineering projects and brain engineering projects.

Category: Uncategorized

The living EARTH cell model of enzyme action --> SCIENCE WAR actions at Penn State and Virginia TECH Department of En = Enzyme English language. The Penn State lock-and-key model provides interesting data.

Permalink 12/17/13 14:02, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized
RD-blog-927 The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab) is an interesting test site. From the view of a distant ...theoretical astrophysics biochemist ..... the EARTH LAB appears as a excellent experimental biochemistry test site --> social c… more »

Penn State chemistry department problems with estimating Avogadro's number of moles per container

Permalink 12/07/13 20:43, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized
RD-blog-924 The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab) is an interesting test site. From the view of a distant ...theoretical astrophysics chemist ..... the EARTH LAB appears as a excellent experimental chemistry test site --> social chemist… more »

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