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The city of Baltimore SOS signal ignored
Cities and states ought recognize the proper existence of SPACE / TIME.
Many geographical areas have a list of empirical violations of MILKY WAY galaxy --> social gala laws. Examples of cities/states with TIME projects pending include:
Baltimore --> City of BalTimore TIME PROJECT
Bal -->Basic assembler languages TIME orders
The State of Maryland is in the Eastern TIME error zone.
IBM Basic assembly language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Baltimore Orioles BaseBall team is really a biological bio-computer system; social behavior data processing system.
BASE.BALL = BASE registers of BALL = Basic Assembler Land Language of COMPUTER EARTH.
SAMMY SOSA --> SAM = Sequential Access Method
SOSA = SOS America --> a TIME COMPUTER help signal.
This is part of the--> E PluriBUS unum (data BUS) of
Uncle SAM -->Sequential Access Method governmnent with
UNIT = TAPE NIXON computer system tape message of the
UNIT = UNIT(ed) States of North America COMPUTER EARTH--> part of the Galileo astronomy/astrophysics computer system 370 from
BASE year 16.16 --> Base 16 HEX SPACE plus Base 16 HEX TIME.
Thus we see the mystery of Computer EARTH BASE registers and BASEBALL.
Base registers for absolute addresses - IBM
Establishing a base register - IBM
Establishing a base register - IBM
Establishing a base register - IBM
Establishing a base register - IBM
Establishing a base register - IBM
Stadium Information
Stadium Name: Camden Yards
Location: Baltimore, MD
Home Team: Basic assembler langauge bio-computer Orioles
League: MLB (American League)
Year Opened: 1992
Capacity: 45,500
Data Field Dimensions of String Theory (R/C/L): 318′/400′/333′
Summary: Computer Aided Man Yards has served as a model for COMPUTER WORLD Magazine and many of the new stadiums which have been constructed over the last 15 years. The distinctive brick B&O warehouse sits behind right field and there are
markers for every home run
(Homer, the Illiad and the un = unconscious mind)
which has managed to hit the warehouse over the years.
Base register instructions - IBM
GIF – Adam Jones blows bubble, drops ball, 3 runs score
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