CALTECH physics theory and Virginia TECH battlefield applications --> Chocolate for String Theory - SCIENCE WARS report
As intensive research continues into the modern Margaret Mead nuclear family...atomic social anthropology WAR; additional clues become available that help explain the various components of the nuclear anthropology tragedy on April 16, 2007 at Virginia TECH university. With the help of the atomic English language translation of the Virginia TECH shooting news reports ..........
a conflict exists between the Margaret Mead nuclear family ....atomic English language
the English language taught and used by students graduating from EAST COAST universities.
The atomic English language is centered around the 26 protons of ferrous oxide iron with its 26 atomic English alphabet letters. Virginia TECH teaches some out-of-date version to their student's Hemoglobin ironic/irony proteins. Virginia TECH and East coast universities have no interest in serious concepts:
--> the human is composed of atoms in bio-physics format
--> the human brain is composed of atoms
--> therefore atoms are the original source of human thought
Most universities believe in the Hollywood version of existence; and their published reports of societal events ...reflect this inventive Hollywood view....a concern of serious authors like George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.
Nature thru Darwinian atomic selection ..using various parameters and conditions....decided upon the atomic anthropology war messengers and atomic signal recognition agents.
Thus the periodic atomic table government and the atomic English language CHOSEN ONE battle plan with atomic human representatives selected:
--> the CHOSEN ONE atomic humanoid fighter .......Mr.CHO and his atomic computer brain programmed with computer instructions on thought and behavior ...such behavior might be able to send an ATTENTION signal ..... to the Office of Science (the more maximize the ATTENTION potential)
--> the CHOSEN ONE atomic humanoid director ..with connections and influence to a worldwide group of atomic analysts.....thus the Darwinian atomic CHOSEN ONE leader --> FermiLAB Director ...Odd.ONE.
Since the Federal government has no interest in the college campus anthropology war and the student casualties.....the CAUSE --> EFFECT tragic signal is ignored. Thus we have the Standard Model HIERARCHY PROBLEM with many ERRORS caused by simple attitude errors by the Washington,DC intellectual elite......who are so inbred with their own omniscent thoughts...they have hypnotized themselves ....and will not adventure out of the B.F.Skinner BOX..... today the Skinner BOX is a house with a bedroom BOX ....the evolution of social psychology experiments in thought.
Many authors have forewarned us about this.....and several years ago ....I was reminded of their messages..and finally woke up. It happens to the best of us; and its a humble learning experience.
Previous BLOG reports have addressed the Virginia TECH tragedy. Some are:
--> Math and Physics BLOG: Quantum physics ...the quantum flavors ... quantum atomic anthropology WAR
--> Biochemistry BLOG: Monticello and Virginia TECH university WAR Reports with quantum flavors
Thus we look at Grand Unified FIELD Theory ...and a particular kind of DATA FIELD...the DATA records of the battle.FIELD....such as the Virginia TECH shooting. What additional clues may be found that will LINK the various components together of the Virginia TECH atomic expression atomic social engineering feedback signal in a tragic FORMAT.
Such a potential CLUE was in the CALTECH quarterly magazine, Engineering and Science article from year 2003. The article "Like Chocolate for String Theory" by Douglas Smith with several professors mentioned....provides a CLUE. Within the article...
paragraph --> Topology, or rubber-sheet geometry, deals with........
words--> equally unsatisfactory - imagine a chocolate-shelled donut from which a bite has been taken and the donut itself scraped out, so that only the chocolate remains.
words--> The intact chocolate shell is the donut's surface, and the bitten-into shell is the drawing on that surafce of the twisted "Do not" symbol.
words--> drenched in quick-hardening chocolate. After the scraping-out, you'd get a hollow shell
my words....(see Ichabod Crane Cranium story..Legend of Sleepy Hollow brain electron shells)
words--> and recast the STANDARD MODEL as a theory of chocolate shells?
Thus we have a theory and data from physics reseach labs about PARTS of atomic existence...and thus we may look at modern Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology...atomic thoughts VIA human agents with an atomic brain.........
hence the human vehicle/the human messenger is just an atomic application with atomic social engineering thoughts and expressions and signals .....
for the alert, aware, and curious thinker.
Thus the parallel processing / super-symmetry example:
--> Theoretical physics .....chocolate shells
--> Darwinian selection......cho..late shells
--> Applied physics...atomic Mr.Cho + Bullet shells
--> interpretation of Nature..........Bulletin ..message processing
--> Theoretical physics .....chocolate shells
--> Darwinian selection......cho..late shells
--> some atomic project plan .... late...
see atomic political agent: TOM Delay
Nature's atomic signal: ...ATOM Delay .........why???
Keep in mind that MASS communications media such as televsion and publishing are really
atomic MASS communications....... broadcasting atomic social engineering messages to atomic receivers in humanoid FORMAT (the atomic audience). It appears that the original atomic INTELLECTUAL messsage is somehow interecepted and distorted some atomic humans in the social /entertainment industry.....humans who assume that their thoughts don't need Margaret Mead atomic anthropology ....quality control standards.
Thus we see Nature's atomic mass communications....SPECIAL SIGNAL process here with the Douglas Smith article. Above I suggested the communications path:
1)atoms are the origin of social engineering thoughts
2)the thought goes to the molecular cell biology LEVEL
....the original pure atomic message may get it intercepted
......... A) it may get improved upon with better ideas
..........b) it may get distorted and biased
3)from there it goes to the human brain for possible implementation in the world of everyday EVENTS (expressions of atomic and/or biochemsitry thoughts via Nature's experimental human VEHICLE)
Thus the important atomic subliminal MIND message of the SMITH article (an atomic word-smith) with the message for the American Organic Chemsitry societies about brain molecule electron shell SOCIAL CHEMISTRY thoughts.
Word CHOCOLATE --> CHO + CO + LATE --> CHO is organic
chemistry symbol --> CHO = CH + Organic
--> with CH= Carbon Hydrogen building block.....
message that some project is LATE and Nature is very annoyed......hence Nature's usage of puppet string physics theory ...using Mr.CHO as a messenger for a tragic SIGNAL to the intellectuals at American Chemistry and British Royal Chemistry societies.
Thus we have the atomic bio-physics MIND of Douglas Smith and the other professors trying to send 2 interpretive messages with one MAJOR the Virginia TECH English department knowns.... that must --> READ Betweem the lines.
Like Chocolate for String Theory - Engineering & Science
Theory of chocolate shells ...and their EXTERNAL display message format with Mr.CHO bullet(in) shells at Norris Hall Engineering at Virginia TECH.
Thus we have the physics message " Chocolate as String Theory" as intented and the Margaret Mead atomic chemistry message. Thus we have Sigmund Freud at an atomic psychology LEVEL,etc.........with Nature's secret agents at CALTECH and their subtle communications STRING ...a subset of STRING THEORY.
Why is the Federal government and its citizens deliberately interfering with Nature's intellect and the periodic atomic table government atomic social engineering policy and plans..thus the HIERARCHY PROBLEM.
Why do many atomic human agents provide incomplete explanations of Nature's project plans? In theory, the tragedies will continue research labs and universities fail to advise the government on the atomic anthropology laws and limits of NATURE....and the SOCIAL CONTRACT with man... philosophy issues addressed by John Locke (around year 1690) and others.
Thus the message repeated:
--> The Tale of Two Cities
--> The Tale of Two Towers (Sept 11,2001 Manhattan Project bio-physics ERROR signal)
--> The Tale of Twin Cities (Minnesota... I-35W communications Bridge collapse with
Minneapolis and the physical(and symbolic) city of St.Paul Dirac
--> The Tale of Two Tech universities (CALTECH and Virginia TECH....and their applied STRING THEORY connection........empirical EVENT data for theorists).
On a separate note -->
This leads to the concept of a LAND BRIDGE. The astrophysics chemistry(EARTH Lab) SALT BRIDGE was discussed in BLOG articles ....using the salt water of the ATLANTIC OCEAN for the 1st SALT BRIDGE and the SALT WATER of the Pacific Ocean for the 2nd SALT BRIDGE....along with the possible role of Hawking and Thorne in these modern constructions update of NATURE's Hawthorne communication bridge titled: The Celestial Railroad. Much work remains ....but...
Now since these SALT BRIDGES exist, then inverse of salt water (Liquid) would suggest the inverse universe would be a land/soil(solid ground).....
the LAND BRIDGE..the Landau atomic geo-physics geography region such as that connecting CALTECH (West Coast) to (East Coast) Virginia TECH ..and other EAST coast universities.
Various EARTH LAB experimental methods were known to Lewis Carroll (year 1865) ....... and in year 1872 Herbert Spencer book: Principle of Biology.......and the secrets revealed about the internal symbolic government within a human....a message extended by many other authors...who didn't like the secret brain manipulation schemes.
This was well known to many intellectuals 100 years ago.
And now....Nature and the eye/optical nerve with symbolic life ...... also knows and is taking action....see the book by S.I.Hayakawa ..." Language in Thought and Action" in English class 101 at Virginia Tech.
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