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The Virginia TECH physics supersymmetric WAR casualties of April 16 --> Gauge Couplings with the atomic English Lan.Guage permutation

Permalink 12/14/13 18:30, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized

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The book Supersymmetry: Theory, Experiment, and Cosmology by Pierre Binetruy has as Appendix E: Renormalization group equations....concepts familiar to the East Coast universities, many corporations, and Washintgton,D.C. decision makers.

These theories and their data are available in many books and research papers. They are a milestone in understanding the structure of existence; but Nature continues to advance ....and its intellectual messages continue to provide us with clues ..clues needed to understand the atomic/astrophysics continuum and its evolution.

The Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family......atomic social antropology conflict .... is best explained by example.

Using the parallel processing we can view the Virginia Tech tragic event as their violations of the atomic SOCIAL CONTRACT....of the periodic atomic table government and its various expressions ..... and Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE (nouns, verbs, math equations, flowcharts, etc)   and  its  relationship to the creation of physical signaling  events .....TRAGIC signals..



Virginia Tech atomic mass  massacre

The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others in two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart


The parallel processing/ super-symmetric EVENT is outlined -->

--> Page 485 Appendix E (atomic E = English)
We see here a set of renormalization group equations which are scattered in the book. The notations..... In the case of Yukawa couplings, soft scalar masses, and A-terms, we give the third family couplings. To obtain the corresponding formulas for the other two families,one ...

Thus we see that from NATURE's point of view...the Virginia Tech student body represented a family...of some atomic a Margaret Mead atomic nuclear FAMILY ...atomic political science messenger (in human format).

--> Page 485
E.1 Gauge couplings (various lan.guage/lan.gauge LINKS..couplings)
In the supersymmetric case
..... 16 ...equation --> April 16 atomic social messages



Janet Reno,  Renormalization  social laws and justice ERRORS




-->Page 485
E.2 u parameter (applied physics --> the university parameter)
We note that the u parameter does not appear in the EVOLUTION EQUATIONS of the other......




-->Page 486
E.3 Anomalous dimensions
As on loop, we have the following anomalous dimensions......

various equations with 16 .....thus a suggested link to April 16 shooting


This also suggests that 2 different versions of orbital physics exists:
....the electron....Or--> Orbital version atomic variation--> Oriental version

This may also suggest that the electron have 2 lives...2 identities...
........... the data processing BIT version for calculation
........... the Orientation...angle/vector/direction ..Oriental

Thus the University of Chicago with the Oriental Institute must have a secret atomic HUMAN language that they are mis-representing. But they ain't talking.





-->Page 486
E.4 Yukawa couplings
For the third generation, we have, in the case of R-parity conservation...


.....16 ...used in equations

Thus suggesting Base 16 hexadecimal atomic data processor ...for Nature.




This probably would be modeled after Computer Earth system 370 main frame....with clues about the physics coupling number 1/137 and then the California license plate (3)70 MeV of some car that used to hang around the Lawrence Livermore Labs parking-lot.....the automobile is SWIFT and TRAVELS....hence, known in the atomic bio-physics world as the modern day: Jonathan Swift and Gull.Liver's Travels.


Thus the physics of supersymmetry...involving the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family...modern atomic anthropology with the atomic species named: 2-legged humans with an atomic English language....

Thus we have physics version of "The Tale of 2 Cities" with....or an atomic double-helix nature....or a binary nature(2 sides )

1) electron orbital
2) atomic or...tal --> orientation

1) Gauge couplings + Lan (Landau physics explanations)
2) Guage in word: Lan.guage

or restated
1) Landau + Gauge couplings --> Lan.gauge
...Lan.da.u --> Local area network data universe
2) Lan + gauge permuation = Lan.guage





Page 488
E.8 Dimensional reduction ....(of the number of atomic humans at Virginia TECH   via  bullet shell degrees)
...the number of on-shell degrees of freedom of a gauge field (D-2) does not match the one of a gaugino Majora field.


Thus we have Virginia TECH atomic English langauge ...physics experiment with MR.Cho as a atomic anthropology WAR messenger -->
(bullet) shell-degrees of freedom of a gauge/ guage field (English   langauge   language      field)....

Thus we have few clues to the Virginia Tech shooting........that the university, newspapers, and government official have neglected to mention...... because they consider individuals in math/physics as incapable of undertanding social engineering RACKETS that back-fire into tragedies. Thus ....

page 488
In the MS scheme (schemes --> social rackets/economic plots and other nonsense).

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