Internal DNA and its EXTERNAL social science expressions and social engineering messages

Category: Uncategorized

The INTERNAL 4 DNA nucleotide governmental basis of the living Constitution of the United States and their EXTERNAL 4th of July data signal explains the molecular cell biology intellectual foundation of the American government.

Permalink 12/07/13 23:14, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized
Herb Zinser's Science War reports - modern law Rd-blog-1002 Monticello and Thomas Jefferson year 1776 ....subset signal Mo...cell = Molecular cell biology Thus we have the molecular cell biology constitution and its biochemistry government from year… more »

DNA genetics Clinical Trial - Monica (and Benjamin Lewin) Lewinsky

Permalink 12/07/13 13:54, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized
RD-blog-303 DNA genetics Clinical Trial - Benjamin Lewin       The college textbook: Genes V by Benjamin Lewin from Cam.BRIDGE, Massachusettes has provided Mother Nature with the famous genetic political science EXPRESSION experiment using the bi… more »