An accurate analysis of molecular cell social biology expressions via human daily activities. Shakespeare stated around year 1600 "The world is a stage and we are the players". In year 2011..... the WORLD is a biochemistry stage and we are the Player
« The living EARTH cell model of enzyme action --> SCIENCE WAR actions at Penn State and Virginia TECH Department of En = Enzyme English language. The Penn State lock-and-key model provides interesting data.

Monticello and the Virginia TECH university biochemistry WAR Reports with quantum flavors

Permalink 12/07/13 13:46, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


Monticello and Thomas Jefferson year 1776 thru 2013
Mo...cell = Molecular cell biology


Molecular Cell Biology

( Nature's expression at the 1776 subliminal mind level )

Monticello Image Gallery
Monticello Image Gallery

The west front of Jefferson's Monticello may seem familiar -- it was exclusively featured on the back of the U.S. nickel from 1938 to 2003.

Monticello is the primary plan of Nature's project  VIA   the plantation of Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, who, after inheriting quite a large amount of land from his father, started building Monticello when he was twenty-six years old. Located just outside Charlottesville, Virginia, in the Piedmont region

he was twenty-six years old

started building Monticello when he was twenty-six years old


Thus we have the molecular cell biology constitution and its biochemistry government from

year 1776 with social biochemistry humanoid messenger:

                           Thomas Jefferson                              









Thomas Jefferson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743  O.S. – July 4, 1826) was an American Founding Father, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence ...
Thomas Jefferson was an American Founding Father, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States.




Since modern humans fail to respect the Monticello social engineering project of molecules in humanoid format...we have a biochemistry WAR ...with some examples.

First, we must have the philosophical perspective as expressed around year 1600 (correlation to Virginia Tech shooting tragedy of April 16) by the English department of William Shakespeare
............... . ." The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".
In modern times "The WORLD is an atomic biochemistry/genetics
...................stage and we are the players  (P layers =  processing layers) "

Thus we look at the modern stage performances....the tragic PLAY.




==> Virginia TECH shooting with the Darwinian slection of the CHOSEN ONE = Mr.CHO ..representing the biology G.I.JOE symbolic warrior in the physical format of MR.CHO.

Thus the biology computer equation....
G.I.JOE (Gastro Intestinal Job order entry) with food for thought.

The atomic biochemistry language agent (Mr.CHO = CHO.colate flavor); also, represents
the quantum physics FLAVOR (CHO.colate ) entanglement  --> CHO + Collate/sort  the entanglement data records).

Thus American physics theorists would study the UNIVERSE of INN/restaurants with the parallel representatives at the European University of Innsbruck ...Institute of Experimental Physics team with the Margaret Mead nuclear family anthropology team leader Rainer Blatt. They would explain about the entangled states of the United States; in this case,Virginia and Illi.nois(e).





==> the G.I.JOE

Vanilla Ice cream war at Northern Illinois Univ.
.......... I.... cream
...........I ...scream .....says the digestive system ..about the brain social science errors of the DeKalb college graduates.

Thus the atomic particle physics FLAVOR WAR components of:
Vanilla = Va + nil --> St.Valentine's day atomic mass massacre
..............Va interaction Enrico Fermi physics social messages to NIL

on Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic date February 14..a reminder message
to Fe = Fer --> FermiLAB iron Hemoglobin protein humanoid communication structures.






Flavour (particle physics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In particle physics, flavour or flavor is a quantum number of elementary particles. In quantum chromodynamics, flavour is a global symmetry. ...

Overview - Flavour quantum numbers - Quantum chromodynamics

Flavour_(particle_physics) - Quantum physics: Flavors of entanglement Sep 27, 2010 ... The entanglement of quantum objects can take surprising forms. Quantum physicists in Austria have investigated several flavors of ...
Quantum physicists at the University of Innsbruck have investigated several ...

Quantum physics: Flavors of entanglement | Science Codex Sep 27, 2010 ... Quantum physics: Flavors of entanglement .......entanglement is a fascinating property connecting quantum systems. Albert Einstein called it the ...
Thus we have the the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family anthropology education experiments .......the quantum student DEMOS of FLAVORs of entanglement ==>

Chocolate collate/sort  entanglement at the Virginia TECH atomic English language DEMO.

Vanilla entanglement in the FermiLAB....Northern Illnois atomic humanoid research area.



An additional example is Virginia TECH biochemistry MAJOR Hasan at the EARTH LAB hood (Fort Hood) ...
with the 3 DNA    penTAGon    nucleotides   T A G.

DNA MILITARY message processing problems ...important atomic social engineering MILITARY messages are ignored by DARPA, pen.TAG.on, and Washington, DC bedroom intellectual think tanks ...who don't want to see out of the BOX. Serious thought requires one to remove personnal bias from the thought process...thus allowing analysis of EVENTS to proceed to Nature's accurate quantum descriptions of the societal processes ..their success or tragic feedback signal (providing info for adjustments).





CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


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