The quantum TIME MACHINE helps explain the modern EARTH TIME battles
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The DNA TIME split problem

Permalink 12/18/13 01:17, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


Physics theory of earth time is a modern TIME PARADOX.

1) your teacher said ---> Twenty - Four hour day = 24
2) ZINJAN + ZINO says --> 20 - 4 = 16 hours a day


Ask yourself " Why does April Fool's Day exist?".

Are you  English   TWO-TIME loser?

Are you  DECIMAL  2   TIME loser?

Are you  a   why 2 k TIME loser?

Did you pass the TIME awareness test?   SORRY. Your brain is out of synch with year 2013  BRAIN BIOLOGICAL CLOCK STANDARDS. Pay attention to the intellectual LAWS of the TIME MACHINE, Computer Earth.



1) your teacher said read GEORGE ORWELL 1984.



2) ZINO particle physics says read George Orwell's 1984 atomic computer manual:
year 1984 + oxygen atomic Base 16 Hexadecimal =
year 2000 requirements for your Lung/Brain data processor.


Have you failed to upgrade your Y2K brain bio-computer clock?
The Y2K biological clock upgrade requires personnal intellectual effort; Y2k failure is a common intellectual omission in year 2009.

Real time --> 20- 4 = Base 16 hours --> Base 16 hexadecimal hours used by the cortex computer COBOL language processor for the 16 hours you are awake. Base 16 is used for data processing awareness accuracy.



Equation     204 = Base 16 hours   ...... with equation components

20  standard amino acids 4 DNA nucleotides = Base 16 hexadecimal hours






Your failure was the upgrade of your cortex computer Y 2K --> 2K data stream of consciousness --> the communications pipeline needed by your hexadecimal central nervous system 370. This cortex VOID will eventually affect your myoglobin protein oxygen Base 16 memory data storage. This is related to Alzheimer's cortex computer memory failure or cortex computer BAL subroutines that become cortex canni.BAL subroutine ==> a mutation of BAL = Ba.sicK AssemBLUR Lag.guage.

Modern Anthropology Head Hunters -->
eat --> Alzheimer's cortex memory.
Professors can increase their probability to allow the brain computer Margaret Mead cortex canni.BAL subroutines to eat their memory
--> thus providing   graduATE students and their professors with the intellectual experience of intellectual decay as demonstrated by Alzheimer's
--> known as "FOOD for thought" which in a mathematical physics professor brain would be " FOOD for FOREHEAD math/physics ideas/thoughts".

Pay attention to the evolution of BRAVE NEW WORLD,  1984, and FUTURE SHOCK.

Their authors tried to warn us.

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