String theory ..... the information FABRIC of society signals .... EARTH empirical data events
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- Z01 - Wisconsin and its Science War profile
- Z39 - Social Science Reports
- Z10 - Biochemistry and the Molecular Cell Biology social science and economic secrets
- Z13 - The living Earth cell, its social engineering structure, and EARTH societal diseases.
- Z22 - Math, Physics, Computer Science and other subjects
- Z15 - The Base 16 hexadecimal bio-computer war casualty reports with the FFA and FAA.
- Z44 - Social Science news analysis
- Z28 - Herb Zinser's BOOK analysis reports
- Z21 - The DNA, Genetics, and Biochemistry social expression system
- Z09 - Chemistry expressions --> Social economic Chemistry and the Politics of Molecules
- Z05 - Schopenhauer and the World is WILL and IDEA - - > Wisconsin Illinois philosophy wars
- Z18 - Astrophysics laboratory methods in living Earth hematology help explain bio-math life.
- Z06 - Sports, games, and the chromosome, gametes, DNA war casualties
- Z03 - The Base 16 hexadecimal Highway 16 casualty report of Wisconsin bio-computer systems
- Z29 - Herb Zinser's information FLOW strings for SOCIAL SCIENCE WAR analysis
- Z38 - Herb Zinser's Science Reports
- Z00 - Atomic Religion social science war reports - examples and explanations
- Z12 - The social communications WAR codes: Blog, Face, Net, Zwitterion, Cell, Nero, etc
- Z26 - Herb Zinser's Social Science WAR analysis reports
- Z34 - Herb Zinser's empirical data on information fabrics for STRING theorists
- Z31 - Herb Zinser's information string analysis of the SOCIAL SCIENCE wars
- Z30 - Herb Zinser STRING THEORY physics applications to Sarte existentialism
- Z14 - Hubbleton, Wisconsin and the Watertown Astronomy region -->Science War reports
- Z19 - Herb Zinser's Science WAR analysis reports
- Z07 - Advanced atomic politics, atomic economics, and atomic social sciences
- Z25 - Herb Zinser's Science reports
- Z40 - Science Reports
- Z20 - The living Language, Law, and Society
- Z11 - The atomic English language secrets of books - - > Official translations.
- Z02 - The secrets of the newspaper Jedi agent organization
- Z17 - LAW, evolution, and the SCIENCE WAR legal trials
- Z35 - Herb Zinser's information FABRIC data examples
- Z14 - The GUT war spectrum -----> Nature's GUT physics project started in year 1453
- Z27 - Herb Zinser's Social Science WAR news reviews
- Z36 - Herb Zinser's information FABRIC of earthly empirical EVENT HORIZON data strings
- Z37 - Science INFORMATION empirical data STRINGS for string theorists
- Z08 - Math and physics conflict expressions help explain modern crime and war
List of the Alan Turing SYMBOL MAHINE .... string theory military events and their status
- Click on the title -->
- Captain Picard uses the OCTOPUS ace of acetylcholine playing cards in the Star Trek neuroscience WAR with U.S. Naval forces in Aden, Yemen
- Star Trek book codes – Maxwell equations WAR
- The Central Nervous System 370 battle over Central (CNS) Marketplace policies
- Your brain bio-computer software bugs and the Bugs Bunny diagnostic software
- Nature’s K-channel brain wars with the FCC EM attack
- Asimov CONTROL SYSTEM equations explain the Joe Stack s-plane
- The Norberg and Kazmierczak DATABASES help explain the murder of Sam Hengel
- The fomaldehyde molecule ORDERED bombing at the Boston Marathon race
- The Asimov equation – Mia Farrow married Frank Sinatra
- Hannah Graham and the UV Beer-Lambert Law problem
- The COMPUTER EARTH Load Address instruction – WAR instructions
- The Leopold & Loeb bio-computer murder
- The CICS TSA shooting battle at LAX airport
- The North Data region –> North Da (Dakota)
- Junior Seau’s server TIME CODE 143 error
- The IBM 64K TV question
- Large scale quantum computers
- The Berkowitz ISAM bio-computer
- Fort Hood paging request problems
- The music, dance, and movie expressions of DNA
- K-channel war and axon ax murder of Gloria Totzke
- The Wronskian differential equation LINKS nitrogenous bases with Europe
- The Ohio State and Penn State myoglobin INTELLECTUAL muscle collapse
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s 4 DNA nucleotide novels help explain February 29 LEAP YEAR
- The Battles of Blood Plasmid and Biological Clocks at Midway
- The space/time AMINO ACID war at Fort Hood
- Brain math gene
- The animal continuum
- DNA base 4 math processor
- Wisconsin deoxyribonucleic political systems
- Cause and Effect – the Boston bombing TRIAL death sentence causes DEATH of Hannah Graham and 150 Germanwings air plane passengers
- Nature’s system transfer of Waco to Boston to create the Marathon bombing
- Advanced base 16 BRAIN EM war at Virginia TECH, Emmet Township, and Colorado
- The copper wire city of electricity Route 29 WAR casualties in Virginia
- Gabby Giffords language problems revealed by Jared Lougher
- The aldehyde molecular murders in Hyde Park, Chicago
- The Penn State Fellini movies – Juliet of the Spirits and 8 1/2
- The Z particle murder – Part 1
- The Z particle murder – Part 2
- Clifford Lane analysis
- Margaret Mead nuclear crimes
- TEXAS shooting systems
- The QUADRATIC murder equation
- President Kennedy assassination
- The square root of 2 MATH symbol / graphic arts / Epicurious picture battle results in Sandy Hook shooting.
- The Boston Marathon Race TRIAL of “Run Spot Run”
- The DEATH map of book 1984 and the living English language VERSUS college English 101 BS
- Book numeric clues about the death of Sam Hengel, Junior Seau, and Samuel DuBose
- The Bose-Einsten translation of Conde Nast magazine secret codes reveals the CAUSE of DEATH of Travis Zoellick
- Samuel Becket explains the Waiting for Godot WAR …. death sequence
- The Rime of the Ancient Mariner SYMBOL MACHINE attacks BOSTON
- The Jeffrey Fowle flow DEMO of IRON MAN and his “Journey to the Center of Earth’
- Brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR circuit analysis secrets of Grove Press and others
- University of Chicago hepatology – Jeky11 and Hyde Pa
- The astrophysics VIEW of the EARTH surface display of O = oxygen atomic cities
- The quantum entanglement WAR casualties … Sam Hengel and Adam Lanza
- Astronomy PLUTO logic errors creates math war and logic casualties
- The force field death of Hannah Graham explained by her line integral
- Atomic z-axis WAR parallels the Earth Z-axis crash of Germanwings air plane in French Alps
- General Ham math and Fort Hood
- Richard Strong probability
- U.S.Army Math war
- Balayage – Computer Earth BAL
- The rear porch MATH war
- Bess Truman and her math Bessel Functions
- Central High School math lesson
- Fort Hood battle of Hermite polynomials
- The perpendicular atomic table WAR
- The David Hilbert math war with subconscious Mumble Jumble … from Mumbai … subcontintent of India
- Principia Mathematica p –> q ….. math LOGIC war at Umpqua College
- Indian Embassy electromagnetic coupling and Bose-Einstein communication problems results in many tragic DEATH events.
- Sin wave casualties of the HIERARCHY PROBLEM in EARTH mathematical-physics
- The Z-axis murder by county road Z explained by Earth Language systems
- Michael Brown killed in the carbon black molecule wars
- Samuel DuBose killed in Cincinnati hydrocarbon molecule wars
- Cycloalkane social science WAR analysis of data from Boston and Waco
- The EARTH hydrocarbon continuum computer science platform with MILITARY molecule frequency KHZ
- Darwinian diesel fuel molecular selection process – DEATH equation of Germanwings and others
- Jesse Dimmick explains the Hall Effect battle at Sterling Hall in year 1970
- Book with atomic English language explains Margaret Mead uranium 235 … atomic political science WAR
- Atomic mass thoughts and its Bose-Einstein (LANGUAGE) condensate gives OUTPUT organization Conde-Naste.
- The Alexander Dubcek …..Nikola Tesla ECHO of czECHOslovakia, euROPE … ROPE vibrations
- Jeffery Fowle and the North Pole magnetic field wars
- Vang physics trial
- Cole Hall – Quantum Hall battle
- GM automobile physics fact factory
- Monica Lewinsky physics
- Maxwell House Coffee physics
- Argentina physics control of Argonne National Labs, Illinois
- EARTH LANGUAGE and the murder of a Clayton family member .. a factor in the BOSTON bombing
- Nature’s Tsarnaev Hernadez equation WAR for control of Los Angeles
- Milwaukee, Milošević, and the Wisconsin police Battles of Vokovar
- The EARTH grid iron interceptor Jeffery Fowle and his military report
- Year 1914 to Year 2014 – Ferguson, Missouri B100D signal
- STAR wars – Battle of Shields
- Dow Jones and its Down Syndrome
- Quantum Flu – modern illness
- President Kennedy’s social vector ERROR
- Y2K ERROR and the subset astrophysics WAR word –> Kerr
- The Time Squared Plague
- The structure of the Automobile Industry
- The distributive law of algebra equation WAR in Babylon
- The Standard Model military SYMBOL MAP and the real battlefields
- The Bose-Einstein condensate of oceanography salt water is DEATH at Cole Hall
- The EARTH copper electricity juice WAR usage of the copper open pit mine … geometric miltary shape
- The White Sands EARTH defense system explains murder of EARTH BOY Sam Hengel
- The Waukesha carbon dioxide molecular WAR results in the death of James Lutz
- The energy communications violations of the periodic atomic table by Queen Elizabeth and her subjects results in Boston Marathon bombing
- The English class 101 war zone
- Star Trek – Wisconsin
- 14th Dalai Lama
- British Petroleum WAR reports
- Book reveals the SOLAR SYSTEM war with the University of Wisconsin and others
- Star Trek secret codes – EARTH skin wars
- Computer language WAR messages translated
- Manhattan Gravity Battlefield
- Virginia TECH hydrology war messages to local water molecule identifier regions in Wisconsin
- Jeffrey Edward Fowle super-symmetry data base MIRRORS solves crimes
- Sandy Hook elementary school violations of Landmark decision: ROE vs Wade
- Catholic Organic Chemistry
- The organic molecule association –> the John Birch Society
- English and Germanic EARTH languages help explain Friedrich Nietzsche skin cancer
- Modern LANGUAGE warfare at Cole Hall – The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Coleridge
- The Asimov EM death equation E(x,y,zoellick, travis ) and his electric(k) field murder
- The modern Black Hawk war of 1832 and the WAR casualty – Hannah Graham
- The COMPUTER EARTH web address WAR and the police Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
- The biochemistry aquaporin selectivity filter DEMO by President Obama
- Sherlock Holmes explains the Michaelis-Menten enzyme death process VIA the FermiLAB atomic flowchart
- Alfred Korzybski and Alfred North Whitehead VERSUS the Alfred P. Murrah building SEMANTICS errors
- British univeristies refuse to help Queen Elizabeth with the SUNLIGHT electron volt communication wars
- The astronomy WAR over PLUTO …. Earth casualties report
- Jeffrey Fowle database explains Nature’s OPTICAL MILITARY system
- Hannah Graham killed in the 38th Parallel WAR zone
- Site maps to Science War posts
- Sherlock Holmes explains the Hannah Graham message for the Pentagon and British military
- Site map to Agatha C = Carbon social chemistry mysteries
- The city of Liverpool ERRORS contributes to the death of a Boy Scout
- The mechanics of Solar System WAR casualty Hannah Graham and her final message
- Site map to more Science mysteries
- Part 1 – Sherlock Holmes explains the Boston calculus derivative DZ war zone
- Part 2 – Sherlock Holmes explains Boston calculus derivative DZ conflicts
- Advanced base 16 BRAIN EM war at Virginia TECH and Emmet Township
- Sherlock Holmes explains the formaldehyde solution for Virginia TECH’s Consitution problems
- Through the Looking Glass – Virginia TECH organic chemistry and the Constitution
- Nature’s optical war over the PBS CREATE TV electromagnetic attacks
- Site maps to Science War posts
- Laplace math function helps explain the math war casualties of European plane crashes
- Site Map to Science War posts
- Part 1 – Base 16 manipulation of Germanwings co-pilot LUBITZ
- Part 2 – Base 16 manipulation of Germanwings …. Lubitz.
- The ABC Murders help explain the Germanwings plane crash
- The BRAIN neuroscience WAR and the Germanwings plane crash WAR casualties
- The neuroscience WAR results in Germanwings airplane crash in French Alps
- The BA (British-American) BATTERY death code of Hannah Graham and BA (Battery Park 2,996 deaths) on September 11, 2001
- The death of Hannah Graham in the neuroscience voltage-sensing domain WARS in Virginia
- Site maps to Science War posts
- The neuroscience K-channel upstream WAR casualties
- The aquaporins molecular battle at Utoya, Norway
- STAR WARS explains the microbiology and organic chemistry military alliance
- The Star Wars acetylcholine WARRIOR code Chewbacca
- The Star Wars SUN CRUSHER war casualty FFA STAR Matt Anderson…… and others
- Darth Vader explains the British dermatology language WAR casualties: Hannah Graham and others
- Sherlock Holmes and string theory explain Mary Leakey and the EARTH gravity subroutine MAU MAU deaths
- Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE and the British East Africa LEAKEY subroutine military actions
- The Louis Leakey blood information systems LEAK
- The Louis Leakey blood information systems LEAK
- The British RAF COMPUTER WAR ZONE —- Earth geography regions.
- The modern Sherlock Holmes chemistry mystery- the social science NITRO group reduction
- OCEANIA and advanced WATERGATE war casualty reports
- Conan Doyle and Supreme Court Justice Holmes
- Jeffery Fowle explains code –> Inchon, North korea
- The Lewis Carroll bio-optical computer … Humpty Dumpty signal of September 16, 2009
- George Orwell and the Thought Control element TC= 43
- Sherlock Holmes analysis of February, Valentines Day, DNA and Leap year
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s LEAP YEAR novels involving 4 DNA nucleotides
- The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle physician report on the 4 isotope catagories of British women
- The 56 stories of Sherlock Holmes explains the CITY of IRON message to Ferguson, Missouri
- The Lewis Carroll organic chemistry continuum trial of Jeffery Fowle
- Sherlock Holmes explains the Peter Kassing message to Oxford University
- Sherlock Holmes explains James Holmes
- James Joyce, Leopold Bloom, and Leopold’s maneuver in year 1924
- The Jekyll and Hyde transformation results in the murder of Robert Franks
- Brave New World symbol techniques –> Federal Tax Form 1040-EZ
- The OCEANIA war signals predicted by George Orwell
- The British LEWIS CARROLL experimental protocol of the FISH & CHIPS RD project into the British fish instinct BRAIN ERROR
- Puzzle 001 –> The modern Sherlock Holmes EM WAR puzzle
- Agnatha Christie book "ABC Murders" helps explain the quadratic equation murder at LAX airport.
- Alfred P.M –> Principia Mathematica ALZHEIMER’S Brain War casualties of Oklahoma City.
- Europe SALT TREATY violations of EARTH parallel information systems result in attack upon Princess Diana.
- Sherlock Holmes and the Sign of Four –> the June 4th INCIDENT, 1989 Tiananmen Square, China
- The Sign of Four –> Sherlock Holmes and the June 4th INCIDENT, 1989 Tiananmen Square, China
- Miss Seeton — Scotland Yard secret messages to optical field agents of the British Empire
- Miss Seeton explains Scotland Yard secret messages to optical field agents of the British Empire
- The modern mystery of Sherlock Holmes with red-headed Mike McQueary, Jerry Sandusky, Penn State University, and Cambridge University astrophysics.
- Part 1 – Isaac Asimov explains Nature’s CONTROL SYSTEMS war casualty Hannah Graham
- Part 2 Isaac Asimov explains war casualty Hannah Graham
- The Asimov EM death equation E(x,y,zoellick, travis ) and his electric(k) field murder
- The TSA mirror code AST –> Astronomy messenger RNA and astronomy military systems span USA
- Stephen Hawking KERR factor and Killing Vector astophysics battle in WACO, Texas
- Axiom of Choice –> crash Germanwings air plane on March 24
- C.P.Snow and the WAR casualties of the SECOND LAW of Thermodynamics
- Alfred Korzybski and Alfred North Whitehead VERSUS the Alfred P. Murrah building SEMANTICS errors
- British univeristies refuse to help Queen Elizabeth with the SUNLIGHT electron volt communication wars
- British Royal Navy fails Test on the Theory of Classes on the existence water and oceans
- Astronomy problem over Pluto and the Carl Sagan / Nikola Tesla communications node
- The astronomy WAR over PLUTO …. Earth casualties report
- Jeffrey Fowle database explains Nature’s OPTICAL MILITARY system
- Hannah Graham reveals Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE propane gas WARS
- The Battle of Cities – Porterfield VESUS Port of Boston
- TOE theory explains the Boyle’s Law of Pressure DEMO on Boylston Street
- Univeristy of Virginia fails integration by parts calculus test to save Hannah Graham
- The FCC approved Charlottesville television K-channel attack on Hannah Graham
- The mechanics of Solar System WAR casualty Hannah Graham and her final message
- The Cambridge University OHMS and the brain Schmitt trigger circuit problem
- The Nikola Tesla electron shell assignment of Tsarnaev in Boston
- Part 1 – The British RAF EM evolution and the murder of Hannah Grahama
- Part 2 – the British RAF EM military code
- Part 3 – British RAF electromagetic WARS
- Advanced base 16 BRAIN EM war at Virginia TECH and Emmet Township
- Norris Hall amino acid MILITARY codes create Germanwings crash
- The EARTH LAB Pyrex glass beakers SCIENCE WARS a factor in Germanwings crash
- Nature’s optical war over the PBS CREATE TV electromagnetic attacks
- Germanwings plane crash LINK to Principia Mathematica Iron-56 wars
- Part 1 – The Transportation Department transport of bio-computer subroutine ERROR commands to Barcelona, Spain
- Part 2 – Transportation Department commands
- Part 1 – Base 16 manipulation of Germanwings co-pilot LUBITZ
- Part 2 – Base 16 manipulation of Germanwings …. Lubitz.
- The living EARTH cell and its neuropathology information path
- The K-channel neuroscience WAR message database: SikH Temple, Haroon Khan, and Jeffrey Fowle in Korea
- Science fiction book reveals Cavendish LAB CODES
- Internet BLOG skins explain the dermatology war casualty – Hannah Graham
- Electromagnetic cities WAR revealed by science fiction book
- Dante’s Inferno code helps reveal the physics SECRET English languages
- Math SYMBOL cities with Zbigniew Brzezinski
- Information cities help explain North Korea data generating conflicts
- U.S.S .Cole aquaporin and fluid mosaic model of the October 2000 incident
- Astrocyte evolution explains Hawking and Thorne
- The British LANGUAGE neurological spider cell disorder kills Hannah Graham
- Herbert Spencer explains carbohydrates chain WARS at Virginia Tech
- Star Wars reveals the metabolism WAR at Utoya, Norway
- STAR WARS neurotransmitter language code war played out at Westgate Mall, Nairobi, Kenya.
- STAR WARS book reveals hypnotized DNA Navy cover-up about U.S.S.Cole incident
- Stars Wars ferrous oxide book messages about the IRON LADY and IRON MAIDEN
- Organic chemistry STAR WARS casualty Hannah Graham
- The STAR WARS battle over Fermat’s theorem
- Star Wars STAR DEMO of the Spider Walker brain subroutine – Hannah Graham
- The atomic gears of the atomic SYMBOL ENGINE and Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE
- Star wars book and Isaac Asimov help explain Boston Marathon blaster expression
- STAR WARS book reveals math war codes
- The radio astronomy WAR at the SiKH Temple in Wisconsin
- Dr.Who studies the STAR WARS earth battle in Britsh East Africa
- Water molecule mass 18 REPORT on the 18 atomic families fight
- Nikola Tesla EARTH waves identify 3 KHZ frequency battlefields
- Nature’s INTELLECT explains the evolution of Plane Geometry DNA
- Computer Earth systems with PUTKIN and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
- The information LEAK wars of Mary and Louis Leakey
- Neutron expression architecture creates amino acids
- Mary Leakey explains the living EARTH cell and MOTHER EARTH menstruation DEMOS
- The Louis Leakey blood information systems LEAK
- Wronskian equation flowchart explains EARTH geo-political systems
- Dr.WHO –> TIME Doctor explains eBOLa TIME DISEASE
- The SPort control system of SP hybridized carbon atoms and the SP 500 index
- The Dr.WHO earth LAB ….. Friedel-Crafts TIME Bridge
- Isaac Asimov psychohistory ….. DR.WHO Time of Death equation
- Math war news ……. Battles of the X-men
- Jeffrey Fowle and Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE defeat of British chicken brains.
- Fermat’s LAST equation gives Fermat"s TIME equation
- Dr.WHO studies the months of the calendar
- Jeffery Fowle explains code –> Inchon, North korea
- The molecular war of glucosamine chondroitin at Virginia TECH
- The oxygen atom ROOTS of a quadratic equation
- Isaac Asimov and Sherlock Holmes study Virginia TECH shooting
- The Time Code (TC) war codes …. such as 43, 14, 26, etc
- The latitude 43 war for control of the University of Wisconsin
- Dr.WHO studies the atomic month of February
- Principia Mathematica WAR code 56 – the military soccer games in Hungary and Vietnam
- Dr. WHO studies the IRON TRIANGLE war in Vietnam
- Principia Mathemamtica to * 56 ….. iron-56 isotope explains year 1993 bombing
- Principia Mathematica to * 56 book and the EARTH grid iron wars.
- Dr.Who explains the James Joyce space/time message code –> Dublin June 19, 1904
- Principia Mathematica and math logic murder messages.
- Principia Mathematica infer logic signal –> 12 PM
- C.P.Snow, Two Cultures, and the Winter Snow Olympics in Sochi, Russia
- The Cavendish LAB mystery signals..
- Secrets of the language control system to control British Laboratories
- The murder of the daughter of Charles Percy and the SNOW job
- The murder of the daughter of Charles Percy and the SNOW job
- Principia Mathematica (PM) and its PM Time Machine
- The Battle History of Principia Mathematica with Russell and Whitehead
- The OM = Oxygen Molecule continuum war of Cambridge Universities with Alfred North Whitehead, OM FRS
- Dr. Who and the year 2013 TIME WAR status reports
- The LAX airport shooting symbolizes the STEPHEN Hawking Hierarchy Problem in BRITISH physics
- The Eleventh Doctor helps explain the September 11, 2001 assault on Manhattan
- The battle for control of the EARTH CITIES –> Milwaukee
- The Newton optics LIGHT wars with television and movies have reached a new TRAGIC level.
- Alfred P.M –> Principia Mathematica ALZHEIMER’S Brain War casualties of Oklahoma City.
- Alfred P.M —> Principia Mathematica MATH WAR casualties of Oklahoma City
- Dr.WHO and the bio-math TIME ships WAR with the University of Manchester
- The Africa ONE Max PLanck TIME signal 10:43 to continuum agent Hawking. –> signal involves atomic EARTH communication highways An-26 AND I-43 —> African Grey Parrot transmission signal ….Africa ONE, Africa ONE to the HAWK …over and out .
- Time messages for DOCTOR WHO —> optical time messages from book –> Miss Seeton
- Miss Seeton at the Helms –> the MI6 secret messages about British agents at FermiLAB LEVEL 6 physics.
- Miss Seeton — Scotland Yard secret messages to optical field agents of the British Empire
- Miss Seeton explains the Scotland Yard secret messages to optical field agents of the British Empire
Welcome to Project Plan Z
The Margaret Mead nuclear family anthropology ZINJAN project and the ZINO particle physics project together are the master/central focal point for different PLAN Z projects. The proton property intellectual trust fund has been entrusted to agent ZIN for applications development. This provides numerous opportunties for curious individuals, research scientists, responsible venture capital, authors of science articles and softcover books, industry trade associations,etc.
Unemployed scientists and engineers, affected by the year 2009 thru 2013 economic layoffs, have a ground floor opportunity with PROJECT PLAN Z. A group of a few thousand scientists, professors, graduate students, engineers, with a group of science orientated marketing and business professionals can help me raise funds and organize the world's largest intellectual coporation and trust fund. With the communications provided by the Internet and E-Mail . . . it ought take less than two years to lay out the foundation of this new business structure. Interested?
As a first step . . . become acquainted with the basic concepts mentioned on the WEB-SITE and the BLOG. This may take several days or weeks depending on your basic science background. These concepts partially describe the new perception of world structure and world affairs. Individuals, groups, think tanks, and trust foundations that offer research grants to PROJECT PLAN Z may have access to over 300 unique research papers. These papers help explain "HOW the WORLD WORKS" with special attention to the automotive indutry at Janesville/ Kenosha, Wisconsin. Also highlighted, the astonishing INTELLECTUAL WAR, as it manifests itself thru military events in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Below, the stages of BRAIN symbolic processing evolution and their representatives.The middle gentlemen originated on the Earth's mathematical-physics logarithms geography surface BIOLOGY RD site of Logan, Utah.
Thus,Nature's bio-math equation of biology --> bio log y from Log, Utah studied algebra logarithms, physics, and astrophysics.
At CALTECH, he has the proper noun EARTH LAB identifier of: Kip S. Thorne and wrote the cryptic book "Black Holes and Time Warps' ...... that helps us understand the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) and applied astrophysics EARTH LAB societal experiments.
Below, Nature's continuum.
Thus we see pieces to a puzzle, that needs scientists and engineers to unravel.
The puzzle is known as
GUT = Grand Unified Theory or
TOE = Time Order Entry (data entry) to the TOE = Theory of Everything ...which includes you! Is your self-awareness existential report ready?
CONTACT--> principle science researcher: Herb Zinser
Mailing address: P.O.Box 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
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