Herb Zinser's analysis of the United States science wars in the various dimensions of existence and their battlefields. The mathematical-physics component of HUMAN daily life reveals the astonishing secret world war of the intellectual HONOR CODE.
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Curiosities of the UNIVERSE

Permalink 12/12/13 00:33, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


The theory on the evolution of the periodic atomic table of elements now includes the Margaret Mead nuclear family. Thus the social, political expressions of brain electron circuits, proton English prose, and neutron atomic radio transmissions via brain radio neurotransmitters.
Charles Darwin evolution of symbolic brain cells in the last 100 years; gives a variety of symbolic species of expression.The concept of physical evolution was appropriate in describing millions of years of physical changes; the last 100 years, the last 50 years is a new age of evolution --> different brain awareness species such as:

music species; math/ physics species;
food/ cooking species; dance species;
automobile engineering species; botany species;
advertising/marketing species

Now each species is a specialist; and probably very good at their area of knowledge, practice, etc. Each species asssumes that the other species covered all bases/ caught all the errors and prevented them. The problem occurs when several different species interact and create a new,hybrid subconscious species --> and no one pays attention to these symbolic mutations. They exist; but is takes many years to become aware of their existence and their social significance.

The latest is the evolution of parity violations in the Margaret Mead nuclear social anthropology area. The periodic atomic table has intellectual agents or biological structures acting as its representatives. The periodic atomic table government is separate from the government in Washington, D.C. --> although at a practical level they do interact/overlap. Dr. Robley D. Evans 1955 book " The ATOMIC NUCLEUS"; Leon Lederman's book "The God Particle", and other books give the clues to this atomic government and the atomic brain representatives.


Evans, The Atomic Nucleus, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1955

Page 1. Evans, The Atomic Nucleus, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1955

The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question? is a 1993 popular science book by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Leon M. Lederman and science writer Dick Teresi


Let's look at the Darwinian atomic bio-physics  ievolution of the periodic atomic table  SYMBOL MACHINE codes and concepts ... as expressed in the 1955 book.
Notice, the mapping between the SYMBOL MACHINE  and  later ....  physical biology expressions with some of those SYMBOL identifiers.  

This mathematical-physics mapping from one region of existence (earthly ...symbol worlds or physical worlds) to another region was explained explained earlier .... in atomic mass year 55.85 ---> as in year 1855.

Ferrous oxide IRON atom expressions for Fer-FermiLAB ...and the university system denial of REALITY messages.



Chapter IV.: The Correspondence Between Life and Its Circumstances.


Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855]
... Author: Herbert Spencer ....
form links in the correspondence between internal and external changes. 




For example, Dr. Evans book page 156 gives --> a single-particle MODEL for ODD-A nucleus. Who could be such an atomic brain MODEL? That would be an ODD idea. Who could be ODD.A. --> the Margaret Mead ODD.mAn?
Does he STAND on 2-legs?
Does STAND.ARD MODEL physics have a biological format?
Does his central nervous system 370 use the TIME STANDARD MODEL --> CENTRAL STANDARD TIME zone?.

Page 158 Magnetic dipole (diplomatic) Moments (of thought) with Figure 4.3 and the odd-proton and the odd-neutron. Lets maximize the Fermi-Dirac probability of finding an intelligent brain with a SYMBOLIC LABEL of ODD-proton. Where could one go for Fermi-Dirac life formats? The 1960 television show "I've got a secret" suggests a message exists from atomic director(MOTHER NATURE) to FermiLAB director.



FermiDirac statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In quantum statistics, a branch of physics,

FermiDirac statistics describes distribution of particles in a
(atomic political science hierarchy) system comprising many identical particles that  obey  the ...


Nature's atomic bio-physics MESSENGER  distribution with SYMBOL MACHINE keyword identifiers   ....Fermi and Obey  

Pier Oddone to retire as Fermilab director

Pier Oddone to retire as Fermilab director

The Fermi Research Alliance (FRA) Board of Directors, which manages and operates Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, announced that Fermilab Director Pier Oddone has decided to retire after eight years at the helm of America’s leading particle physics laboratory.

- See more at: http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/article/august-2012/pier-oddone-to-retire-as-fermilab-director#sthash.Ku1lpZeu.dpuf


Fermi-Dirac Directorate

Fermilab Director Profiles (existential profiles = pro + files --> proton data files)

Pier Oddone

Fermi Dirac statitics Director, Fermilab



Pier Oddone to retire as Fermilab director

The Fermi Research Alliance (FRA) Board of Directors, which manages and operates Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, announced that Fermilab Director Pier Oddone has decided to retire after eight years at the helm of America’s leading particle physics laboratory.

- See more at: http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/article/august-2012/pier-oddone-to-retire-as-fermilab-director#sthash.Ku1lpZeu.dpuf

Pier Oddone to retire as Fermilab director

The Fermi Research Alliance (FRA) Board of Directors, which manages and operates Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, announced that Fermilab Director Pier Oddone has decided to retire after eight years at the helm of America’s leading particle physics laboratory.

- See more at: http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/article/august-2012/pier-oddone-to-retire-as-fermilab-director#sthash.Ku1lpZeu.dpuf


Congressman Obey Denied Access to Wisconsin   (math-physics sin function)  Capitol - Koch Watch

Wisconsin Congressman (atomic bio-physics humanoid) Dave Obey could not enter the Wisconsin Capitol despite the claim by the Department of Administration that the building is open.

system comprising many identical particles that  obey
system comprising many identical particles that  obey
system comprising many identical particles that  obey


The  intellectually superior and  biased thinkers at the    Department of Energy denies any of this  aspect of Nature's expression system can possibly exist.
Does President O (Obama ) breath oxygen atomic mass16 computer base 16 into his lungs while he is at a COMPUTER  EARTH geography land address space  ...address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ?  The Department of Energy, the Office of Science, and universities do NOT  acknowledge  this  oxygen molecule  policital FORMAT of existence.    Thus the denial  of  Nature's system equation of 1600 Pennsylvania Abenue --> 1600 -->  16 O  O = 16  molecule atomic number O = Oxygen O= Oxygen.
Perhaps some college science students may explain REALITY   to the  world of   the Hollywood   Department of Energy and  their Washington, DC  friends in science policy ...who lack basic respect for oxygen message systems.  





The spokesperson hierarchy of the periodic atomic table is incomplete.
Pier Oddone and Leon Lederman ought consider if an individual exists that is involved with the MISSING-LINK ZINJAN skull project with ZINO particle physics.
Page 160 --> Base 16 O = oxygen atomic base 16 system 370 LUNG/Brain data processing laws needs its hexadecimal life form from Hexadecimal Highway 16 Wisconsin.

Malcolm H. MacGregor writes about the physics mystery number 137. This is the one = 1 STANDARD MODEL atomic computer system 370 with master console interface brain agent ZIN O = oxygen breathing atomic base 16.





Summarizing the 1955 DR.EVANS curiosties of the universe puzzle:
odd-z,even-N ... even-z,odd-n .... one odd nucleon.
one odd --> gives ODDONE agent
nucleon --> gives Leon Lederman

The book "The God Particle" combined with Chicago North side Polish newspaers sold at the organic chemistry hydrocarbon electron SHELL social science message processing location by Milwaukee Avenue/ Belmont --> gives the Polish noun GODZIN and the Leon Lederman update " The GODZIN Particle".
What does it all mean?
Perhaps Leon Lederman's leadership will help us understand Margaret Mead atomic brain evolution and particle physics political science.

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