British brain computer - 24 hour clock TIME Failure
British molecular cell biology, biochemistry, computer science, and other researchers failure to fix the British brain computer Y2k biological clock of year 2000.
The George Orwell TIME COMPUTER manual was titled with year: 1984
Thus the brain computer equation of IBM Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer TIME equation:
--> 1984 + Base 16 Oxygen atomic computer years = year 2000.
Systems IBM System/370 Principles of Operation - The UK Mirror ...
is a data processing system that is based on 37.0 Celsius -
Human bio-computer Body Temperature (37.0°C ) Increases the Expression of Iron ... CA White-Ziegler - 2007 - Cited by 16 - Related articlesABSTRACT. Using DNA microarrays, we identified 126 genes in Escherichia coli K-12 whose expression is increased at human body temperature (37°C) ...
Oxygen-16 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thus Nature's minimal intellectual self-awareness requirements for oxygen breathing LUNG humanoid structures at Oxford university.
Images for oxygen 16
Nineteen Eighty-Four ---> implies 1980 minus 4 = 1976 --> the 200 year anniversary of the year 1776 Constitution
a world of perpetual war, omnipresent --> pre-sent in advance (see DR.WHO time projects)