Hold on Tight, you are about to see the world in a whole new way! Herb Zinser's analysis of the intellectual war component of the Science Wars .
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List of the Alan Turing SYMBOL MAHINE .... string theory military events and their status
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- Captain Picard uses the OCTOPUS ace of acetylcholine playing cards in the Star Trek neuroscience WAR with U.S. Naval forces in Aden, Yemen
- Star Trek book codes – Maxwell equations WAR
- The Central Nervous System 370 battle over Central (CNS) Marketplace policies
- Your brain bio-computer software bugs and the Bugs Bunny diagnostic software
- Nature’s K-channel brain wars with the FCC EM attack
- Asimov CONTROL SYSTEM equations explain the Joe Stack s-plane
- The Norberg and Kazmierczak DATABASES help explain the murder of Sam Hengel
- The fomaldehyde molecule ORDERED bombing at the Boston Marathon race
- The Asimov equation – Mia Farrow married Frank Sinatra
- Hannah Graham and the UV Beer-Lambert Law problem
- The COMPUTER EARTH Load Address instruction – WAR instructions
- The Leopold & Loeb bio-computer murder
- The CICS TSA shooting battle at LAX airport
- The North Data region –> North Da (Dakota)
- Junior Seau’s server TIME CODE 143 error
- The IBM 64K TV question
- Large scale quantum computers
- The Berkowitz ISAM bio-computer
- Fort Hood paging request problems
- The music, dance, and movie expressions of DNA
- K-channel war and axon ax murder of Gloria Totzke
- The Wronskian differential equation LINKS nitrogenous bases with Europe
- The Ohio State and Penn State myoglobin INTELLECTUAL muscle collapse
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s 4 DNA nucleotide novels help explain February 29 LEAP YEAR
- The Battles of Blood Plasmid and Biological Clocks at Midway
- The space/time AMINO ACID war at Fort Hood
- Brain math gene
- The animal continuum
- DNA base 4 math processor
- Wisconsin deoxyribonucleic political systems
- Cause and Effect – the Boston bombing TRIAL death sentence causes DEATH of Hannah Graham and 150 Germanwings air plane passengers
- Nature’s system transfer of Waco to Boston to create the Marathon bombing
- Advanced base 16 BRAIN EM war at Virginia TECH, Emmet Township, and Colorado
- The copper wire city of electricity Route 29 WAR casualties in Virginia
- Gabby Giffords language problems revealed by Jared Lougher
- The aldehyde molecular murders in Hyde Park, Chicago
- The Penn State Fellini movies – Juliet of the Spirits and 8 1/2
- The Z particle murder – Part 1
- The Z particle murder – Part 2
- Clifford Lane analysis
- Margaret Mead nuclear crimes
- TEXAS shooting systems
- The QUADRATIC murder equation
- President Kennedy assassination
- The square root of 2 MATH symbol / graphic arts / Epicurious picture battle results in Sandy Hook shooting.
- The Boston Marathon Race TRIAL of “Run Spot Run”
- The DEATH map of book 1984 and the living English language VERSUS college English 101 BS
- Book numeric clues about the death of Sam Hengel, Junior Seau, and Samuel DuBose
- The Bose-Einsten translation of Conde Nast magazine secret codes reveals the CAUSE of DEATH of Travis Zoellick
- Samuel Becket explains the Waiting for Godot WAR …. death sequence
- The Rime of the Ancient Mariner SYMBOL MACHINE attacks BOSTON
- The Jeffrey Fowle flow DEMO of IRON MAN and his “Journey to the Center of Earth’
- Brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR circuit analysis secrets of Grove Press and others
- University of Chicago hepatology – Jeky11 and Hyde Pa
- The astrophysics VIEW of the EARTH surface display of O = oxygen atomic cities
- The quantum entanglement WAR casualties … Sam Hengel and Adam Lanza
- Astronomy PLUTO logic errors creates math war and logic casualties
- The force field death of Hannah Graham explained by her line integral
- Atomic z-axis WAR parallels the Earth Z-axis crash of Germanwings air plane in French Alps
- General Ham math and Fort Hood
- Richard Strong probability
- U.S.Army Math war
- Balayage – Computer Earth BAL
- The rear porch MATH war
- Bess Truman and her math Bessel Functions
- Central High School math lesson
- Fort Hood battle of Hermite polynomials
- The perpendicular atomic table WAR
- The David Hilbert math war with subconscious Mumble Jumble … from Mumbai … subcontintent of India
- Principia Mathematica p –> q ….. math LOGIC war at Umpqua College
- Indian Embassy electromagnetic coupling and Bose-Einstein communication problems results in many tragic DEATH events.
- Sin wave casualties of the HIERARCHY PROBLEM in EARTH mathematical-physics
- The Z-axis murder by county road Z explained by Earth Language systems
- Michael Brown killed in the carbon black molecule wars
- Samuel DuBose killed in Cincinnati hydrocarbon molecule wars
- Cycloalkane social science WAR analysis of data from Boston and Waco
- The EARTH hydrocarbon continuum computer science platform with MILITARY molecule frequency KHZ
- Darwinian diesel fuel molecular selection process – DEATH equation of Germanwings and others
- Jesse Dimmick explains the Hall Effect battle at Sterling Hall in year 1970
- Book with atomic English language explains Margaret Mead uranium 235 … atomic political science WAR
- Atomic mass thoughts and its Bose-Einstein (LANGUAGE) condensate gives OUTPUT organization Conde-Naste.
- The Alexander Dubcek …..Nikola Tesla ECHO of czECHOslovakia, euROPE … ROPE vibrations
- Jeffery Fowle and the North Pole magnetic field wars
- Vang physics trial
- Cole Hall – Quantum Hall battle
- GM automobile physics fact factory
- Monica Lewinsky physics
- Maxwell House Coffee physics
- Argentina physics control of Argonne National Labs, Illinois
- EARTH LANGUAGE and the murder of a Clayton family member .. a factor in the BOSTON bombing
- Nature’s Tsarnaev Hernadez equation WAR for control of Los Angeles
- Milwaukee, Milošević, and the Wisconsin police Battles of Vokovar
- The EARTH grid iron interceptor Jeffery Fowle and his military report
- Year 1914 to Year 2014 – Ferguson, Missouri B100D signal
- STAR wars – Battle of Shields
- Dow Jones and its Down Syndrome
- Quantum Flu – modern illness
- President Kennedy’s social vector ERROR
- Y2K ERROR and the subset astrophysics WAR word –> Kerr
- The Time Squared Plague
- The structure of the Automobile Industry
- The distributive law of algebra equation WAR in Babylon
- The Standard Model military SYMBOL MAP and the real battlefields
- The Bose-Einstein condensate of oceanography salt water is DEATH at Cole Hall
- The EARTH copper electricity juice WAR usage of the copper open pit mine … geometric miltary shape
- The White Sands EARTH defense system explains murder of EARTH BOY Sam Hengel
- The Waukesha carbon dioxide molecular WAR results in the death of James Lutz
- The energy communications violations of the periodic atomic table by Queen Elizabeth and her subjects results in Boston Marathon bombing
- The English class 101 war zone
- Star Trek – Wisconsin
- 14th Dalai Lama
- British Petroleum WAR reports
- Book reveals the SOLAR SYSTEM war with the University of Wisconsin and others
- Star Trek secret codes – EARTH skin wars
- Computer language WAR messages translated
- Manhattan Gravity Battlefield
- Virginia TECH hydrology war messages to local water molecule identifier regions in Wisconsin
- Jeffrey Edward Fowle super-symmetry data base MIRRORS solves crimes
- Sandy Hook elementary school violations of Landmark decision: ROE vs Wade
- Catholic Organic Chemistry
- The organic molecule association –> the John Birch Society
- English and Germanic EARTH languages help explain Friedrich Nietzsche skin cancer
- Modern LANGUAGE warfare at Cole Hall – The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Coleridge
- The Asimov EM death equation E(x,y,zoellick, travis ) and his electric(k) field murder
- The modern Black Hawk war of 1832 and the WAR casualty – Hannah Graham
- The COMPUTER EARTH web address WAR and the police Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
- The biochemistry aquaporin selectivity filter DEMO by President Obama
- Sherlock Holmes explains the Michaelis-Menten enzyme death process VIA the FermiLAB atomic flowchart
- Alfred Korzybski and Alfred North Whitehead VERSUS the Alfred P. Murrah building SEMANTICS errors
- British univeristies refuse to help Queen Elizabeth with the SUNLIGHT electron volt communication wars
- The astronomy WAR over PLUTO …. Earth casualties report
- Jeffrey Fowle database explains Nature’s OPTICAL MILITARY system
- Hannah Graham killed in the 38th Parallel WAR zone
- Site maps to Science War posts
- Sherlock Holmes explains the Hannah Graham message for the Pentagon and British military
- Site map to Agatha C = Carbon social chemistry mysteries
- The city of Liverpool ERRORS contributes to the death of a Boy Scout
- The mechanics of Solar System WAR casualty Hannah Graham and her final message
- Site map to more Science mysteries
- Part 1 – Sherlock Holmes explains the Boston calculus derivative DZ war zone
- Part 2 – Sherlock Holmes explains Boston calculus derivative DZ conflicts
- Advanced base 16 BRAIN EM war at Virginia TECH and Emmet Township
- Sherlock Holmes explains the formaldehyde solution for Virginia TECH’s Consitution problems
- Through the Looking Glass – Virginia TECH organic chemistry and the Constitution
- Nature’s optical war over the PBS CREATE TV electromagnetic attacks
- Site maps to Science War posts
- Laplace math function helps explain the math war casualties of European plane crashes
- Site Map to Science War posts
- Part 1 – Base 16 manipulation of Germanwings co-pilot LUBITZ
- Part 2 – Base 16 manipulation of Germanwings …. Lubitz.
- The ABC Murders help explain the Germanwings plane crash
- The BRAIN neuroscience WAR and the Germanwings plane crash WAR casualties
- The neuroscience WAR results in Germanwings airplane crash in French Alps
- The BA (British-American) BATTERY death code of Hannah Graham and BA (Battery Park 2,996 deaths) on September 11, 2001
- The death of Hannah Graham in the neuroscience voltage-sensing domain WARS in Virginia
- Site maps to Science War posts
- The neuroscience K-channel upstream WAR casualties
- The aquaporins molecular battle at Utoya, Norway
- STAR WARS explains the microbiology and organic chemistry military alliance
- The Star Wars acetylcholine WARRIOR code Chewbacca
- The Star Wars SUN CRUSHER war casualty FFA STAR Matt Anderson…… and others
- Darth Vader explains the British dermatology language WAR casualties: Hannah Graham and others
- Sherlock Holmes and string theory explain Mary Leakey and the EARTH gravity subroutine MAU MAU deaths
- Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE and the British East Africa LEAKEY subroutine military actions
- The Louis Leakey blood information systems LEAK
- The Louis Leakey blood information systems LEAK
- The British RAF COMPUTER WAR ZONE —- Earth geography regions.
- The modern Sherlock Holmes chemistry mystery- the social science NITRO group reduction
- OCEANIA and advanced WATERGATE war casualty reports
- Conan Doyle and Supreme Court Justice Holmes
- Jeffery Fowle explains code –> Inchon, North korea
- The Lewis Carroll bio-optical computer … Humpty Dumpty signal of September 16, 2009
- George Orwell and the Thought Control element TC= 43
- Sherlock Holmes analysis of February, Valentines Day, DNA and Leap year
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s LEAP YEAR novels involving 4 DNA nucleotides
- The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle physician report on the 4 isotope catagories of British women
- The 56 stories of Sherlock Holmes explains the CITY of IRON message to Ferguson, Missouri
- The Lewis Carroll organic chemistry continuum trial of Jeffery Fowle
- Sherlock Holmes explains the Peter Kassing message to Oxford University
- Sherlock Holmes explains James Holmes
- James Joyce, Leopold Bloom, and Leopold’s maneuver in year 1924
- The Jekyll and Hyde transformation results in the murder of Robert Franks
- Brave New World symbol techniques –> Federal Tax Form 1040-EZ
- The OCEANIA war signals predicted by George Orwell
- The British LEWIS CARROLL experimental protocol of the FISH & CHIPS RD project into the British fish instinct BRAIN ERROR
- Puzzle 001 –> The modern Sherlock Holmes EM WAR puzzle
- Agnatha Christie book "ABC Murders" helps explain the quadratic equation murder at LAX airport.
- Alfred P.M –> Principia Mathematica ALZHEIMER’S Brain War casualties of Oklahoma City.
- Europe SALT TREATY violations of EARTH parallel information systems result in attack upon Princess Diana.
- Sherlock Holmes and the Sign of Four –> the June 4th INCIDENT, 1989 Tiananmen Square, China
- The Sign of Four –> Sherlock Holmes and the June 4th INCIDENT, 1989 Tiananmen Square, China
- Miss Seeton — Scotland Yard secret messages to optical field agents of the British Empire
- Miss Seeton explains Scotland Yard secret messages to optical field agents of the British Empire
- The modern mystery of Sherlock Holmes with red-headed Mike McQueary, Jerry Sandusky, Penn State University, and Cambridge University astrophysics.
- Part 1 – Isaac Asimov explains Nature’s CONTROL SYSTEMS war casualty Hannah Graham
- Part 2 Isaac Asimov explains war casualty Hannah Graham
- The Asimov EM death equation E(x,y,zoellick, travis ) and his electric(k) field murder
- The TSA mirror code AST –> Astronomy messenger RNA and astronomy military systems span USA
- Stephen Hawking KERR factor and Killing Vector astophysics battle in WACO, Texas
- Axiom of Choice –> crash Germanwings air plane on March 24
- C.P.Snow and the WAR casualties of the SECOND LAW of Thermodynamics
- Alfred Korzybski and Alfred North Whitehead VERSUS the Alfred P. Murrah building SEMANTICS errors
- British univeristies refuse to help Queen Elizabeth with the SUNLIGHT electron volt communication wars
- British Royal Navy fails Test on the Theory of Classes on the existence water and oceans
- Astronomy problem over Pluto and the Carl Sagan / Nikola Tesla communications node
- The astronomy WAR over PLUTO …. Earth casualties report
- Jeffrey Fowle database explains Nature’s OPTICAL MILITARY system
- Hannah Graham reveals Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE propane gas WARS
- The Battle of Cities – Porterfield VESUS Port of Boston
- TOE theory explains the Boyle’s Law of Pressure DEMO on Boylston Street
- Univeristy of Virginia fails integration by parts calculus test to save Hannah Graham
- The FCC approved Charlottesville television K-channel attack on Hannah Graham
- The mechanics of Solar System WAR casualty Hannah Graham and her final message
- The Cambridge University OHMS and the brain Schmitt trigger circuit problem
- The Nikola Tesla electron shell assignment of Tsarnaev in Boston
- Part 1 – The British RAF EM evolution and the murder of Hannah Grahama
- Part 2 – the British RAF EM military code
- Part 3 – British RAF electromagetic WARS
- Advanced base 16 BRAIN EM war at Virginia TECH and Emmet Township
- Norris Hall amino acid MILITARY codes create Germanwings crash
- The EARTH LAB Pyrex glass beakers SCIENCE WARS a factor in Germanwings crash
- Nature’s optical war over the PBS CREATE TV electromagnetic attacks
- Germanwings plane crash LINK to Principia Mathematica Iron-56 wars
- Part 1 – The Transportation Department transport of bio-computer subroutine ERROR commands to Barcelona, Spain
- Part 2 – Transportation Department commands
- Part 1 – Base 16 manipulation of Germanwings co-pilot LUBITZ
- Part 2 – Base 16 manipulation of Germanwings …. Lubitz.
- The living EARTH cell and its neuropathology information path
- The K-channel neuroscience WAR message database: SikH Temple, Haroon Khan, and Jeffrey Fowle in Korea
- Science fiction book reveals Cavendish LAB CODES
- Internet BLOG skins explain the dermatology war casualty – Hannah Graham
- Electromagnetic cities WAR revealed by science fiction book
- Dante’s Inferno code helps reveal the physics SECRET English languages
- Math SYMBOL cities with Zbigniew Brzezinski
- Information cities help explain North Korea data generating conflicts
- U.S.S .Cole aquaporin and fluid mosaic model of the October 2000 incident
- Astrocyte evolution explains Hawking and Thorne
- The British LANGUAGE neurological spider cell disorder kills Hannah Graham
- Herbert Spencer explains carbohydrates chain WARS at Virginia Tech
- Star Wars reveals the metabolism WAR at Utoya, Norway
- STAR WARS neurotransmitter language code war played out at Westgate Mall, Nairobi, Kenya.
- STAR WARS book reveals hypnotized DNA Navy cover-up about U.S.S.Cole incident
- Stars Wars ferrous oxide book messages about the IRON LADY and IRON MAIDEN
- Organic chemistry STAR WARS casualty Hannah Graham
- The STAR WARS battle over Fermat’s theorem
- Star Wars STAR DEMO of the Spider Walker brain subroutine – Hannah Graham
- The atomic gears of the atomic SYMBOL ENGINE and Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE
- Star wars book and Isaac Asimov help explain Boston Marathon blaster expression
- STAR WARS book reveals math war codes
- The radio astronomy WAR at the SiKH Temple in Wisconsin
- Dr.Who studies the STAR WARS earth battle in Britsh East Africa
- Water molecule mass 18 REPORT on the 18 atomic families fight
- Nikola Tesla EARTH waves identify 3 KHZ frequency battlefields
- Nature’s INTELLECT explains the evolution of Plane Geometry DNA
- Computer Earth systems with PUTKIN and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
- The information LEAK wars of Mary and Louis Leakey
- Neutron expression architecture creates amino acids
- Mary Leakey explains the living EARTH cell and MOTHER EARTH menstruation DEMOS
- The Louis Leakey blood information systems LEAK
- Wronskian equation flowchart explains EARTH geo-political systems
- Dr.WHO –> TIME Doctor explains eBOLa TIME DISEASE
- The SPort control system of SP hybridized carbon atoms and the SP 500 index
- The Dr.WHO earth LAB ….. Friedel-Crafts TIME Bridge
- Isaac Asimov psychohistory ….. DR.WHO Time of Death equation
- Math war news ……. Battles of the X-men
- Jeffrey Fowle and Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE defeat of British chicken brains.
- Fermat’s LAST equation gives Fermat"s TIME equation
- Dr.WHO studies the months of the calendar
- Jeffery Fowle explains code –> Inchon, North korea
- The molecular war of glucosamine chondroitin at Virginia TECH
- The oxygen atom ROOTS of a quadratic equation
- Isaac Asimov and Sherlock Holmes study Virginia TECH shooting
- The Time Code (TC) war codes …. such as 43, 14, 26, etc
- The latitude 43 war for control of the University of Wisconsin
- Dr.WHO studies the atomic month of February
- Principia Mathematica WAR code 56 – the military soccer games in Hungary and Vietnam
- Dr. WHO studies the IRON TRIANGLE war in Vietnam
- Principia Mathemamtica to * 56 ….. iron-56 isotope explains year 1993 bombing
- Principia Mathematica to * 56 book and the EARTH grid iron wars.
- Dr.Who explains the James Joyce space/time message code –> Dublin June 19, 1904
- Principia Mathematica and math logic murder messages.
- Principia Mathematica infer logic signal –> 12 PM
- C.P.Snow, Two Cultures, and the Winter Snow Olympics in Sochi, Russia
- The Cavendish LAB mystery signals..
- Secrets of the language control system to control British Laboratories
- The murder of the daughter of Charles Percy and the SNOW job
- The murder of the daughter of Charles Percy and the SNOW job
- Principia Mathematica (PM) and its PM Time Machine
- The Battle History of Principia Mathematica with Russell and Whitehead
- The OM = Oxygen Molecule continuum war of Cambridge Universities with Alfred North Whitehead, OM FRS
- Dr. Who and the year 2013 TIME WAR status reports
- The LAX airport shooting symbolizes the STEPHEN Hawking Hierarchy Problem in BRITISH physics
- The Eleventh Doctor helps explain the September 11, 2001 assault on Manhattan
- The battle for control of the EARTH CITIES –> Milwaukee
- The Newton optics LIGHT wars with television and movies have reached a new TRAGIC level.
- Alfred P.M –> Principia Mathematica ALZHEIMER’S Brain War casualties of Oklahoma City.
- Alfred P.M —> Principia Mathematica MATH WAR casualties of Oklahoma City
- Dr.WHO and the bio-math TIME ships WAR with the University of Manchester
- The Africa ONE Max PLanck TIME signal 10:43 to continuum agent Hawking. –> signal involves atomic EARTH communication highways An-26 AND I-43 —> African Grey Parrot transmission signal ….Africa ONE, Africa ONE to the HAWK …over and out .
- Time messages for DOCTOR WHO —> optical time messages from book –> Miss Seeton
- Miss Seeton at the Helms –> the MI6 secret messages about British agents at FermiLAB LEVEL 6 physics.
- Miss Seeton — Scotland Yard secret messages to optical field agents of the British Empire
- Miss Seeton explains the Scotland Yard secret messages to optical field agents of the British Empire
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